Questions tagged [cornerstone]

Cornerstone is a Subversion client application for the Mac that has a full range of features including traditional Subversion functions and a built in diff tool. Cornerstone is a GUI for subversion that incorporates Growl messaging and is fully 64bit ready for OSX 10.6 & 10.7.

Cornerstone is a Subversion client application for the Mac that has a full range of features including traditional Subversion functions and a built in diff tool. Cornerstone is a GUI for subversion that incorporates Growl messaging and is fully 64bit ready for OSX 10.6 & 10.7. Find it here:

91 questions
1 answer

cornerstone: Recover a file after ignored

I'm new to Cornerstone. I checked out a work copy and added some files. But there is a question mark after a file. Then I right-clicked and ignored the file, so the file is gone from Cornerstone. Now I want this file to be recovered and back to the…
1 answer

Mac Cornerstone (SVN client) how to connect to https:// with certificate

We use a VisualSVN Server (Windows) server at work. It uses a https:// connection with a SSL certificate. On our Windows (7 and 8) workstation machines we use TortoiseSVN to connect. On Windows I couldn't get a connection to this SVN server (at…
2 answers

Check out working copy to existing files

I don't have a working copy. Just imported the files from the server and did some changes. Is it possible to check out a working copy to existing local files and be able to commit the changes I made?
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Using Cornerstone, how do I ignore Xcode's UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate file?

I'm using Cornerstone 2.7.12 and Xcode 5.1. Mostly I use Xcode's Source Control menu items but in this particular working copy I'm having trouble with UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate. I can commit just fine. Then, for example, I try to switch…
Murray Sagal
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Cornerstone is messing up a file

I have just checked out a branch from a repo and there's one file that's showing as not found (! icon) and as new (? icon), one entry below the other. No matter what I do the file keeps showing like this. Neither reverting to the latest in repo will…
Paulo Pedroso
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1 answer

Search for a text in Cornerstone (Mac)

is there a way to search for a certain text in all the repositories you have in your Cornerstone? For example, i have 20 repositories. Each with different projects. I want to search for classes/projects that contain "Hello" text without going…
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Renaming a class in Xcode causes conflict with subversion (Cornerstone)

I'm refactoring a class in my Xcode project; after confirming to save the changes, I got an error saying "The request could not be performed because it was returned by Subversion as invalid" All of the refactoring was done successfully, except for…
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How do I mark only changed/deleted/.. files in cornerstone?

I am using Cornerstone on Mac OS 10.8.4 and sometimes I need to bulk change many files in Subversion at once. Cornerstone does have different filters to show only changed/deleted/conflicted/etc. files. But on selecting the filters, also the…
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Mac Subversion client that works with SvnBridge to TFS?

We have a situation where a large number of .NET developers use Team Foundation Server 2010 for source control, and a small number of iOS developers (on Mac OS X, obviously) use Subversion. In the hope of unifying these two systems, we have looked…
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2 answers

Cornerstone and Terminal throwing errors with subversion

i've been browsing around the past two hours for a solution but to no avail. i've used git the past few months and have liked it, but just inherited a project that uses SVN. i checked out a copy just fine last week. today i went to commit and had…
John Blythe
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1 answer

Add file in prepare script in cornerstone, or say, start-commit hook of svn?

I'm trying to add a hook script in Cornerstone, to generate a meta file for each binary file to be committed, and of course, try to add those meta files to commit. But here I have problem adding them, I mean, to the list to commit. I saw this but…
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How to change file type association in Cornerstone svn

I have recently started using Cornerstone as an svn client. I have yet to figure out how to change file extension associations. In my case, it appears the default file type associated with a .m extension is objective C. In my case these files…
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2 answers

How can I perform cross browser testing when using Subversion as my version control system?

I have recently installed subversion and nginx server on my machine (macbook pro). I'm fairly new to subversion as a whole and have just built a single webpage through this version control system, and now I'm faced with the task of testing it in all…
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Undeleting file in Cornerstone

So, I did what seems to be a big mistake. I accidentally deleted a very important file in Cornerstone from my Repository and can't get it back. I have clicked at Revert 20-30 times now but it seems that it won't revert changes since the first change…
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1 answer

Corner stone giving me error when clicking on log

Im getting error pop up while trying to click on log in cornerstone 2.7.10
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