Questions tagged [corert]

CoreRT is a .NET Core runtime optimized for ahead of time compilation. The CoreRT compiler can compile a managed .NET Core application into a native (architecture specific) single-file executable that is easy to deploy. It can also produce standalone dynamic or static libraries that can be consumed by applications written in other programming languages.

CoreRT is a .NET Core runtime optimized for ahead of time compilation. The CoreRT compiler can compile a managed .NET Core application into a native (architecture specific) single-file executable that is easy to deploy. It can also produce standalone dynamic or static libraries that can be consumed by applications written in other programming languages. To learn more about CoreRT, see the intro document.

12 questions
1 answer

What's the difference between .NET CoreCLR, CoreRT, Roslyn and LLILC

Recently I started reading about .NET reorganization details (mostly through .NET Core github pages). It seams that they created sibling projects to support more platforms. While reading I have the impression that CoreCLR and CoreRT is a new…
Robert Zaremba
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2 answers

Compiling .net core app with CoreRT / another AOT

I'm building an REST API on ASP.NET CORE 1.0. In production it'd be IMHO very useful NOT to use JIT because the docker containers with the app are scaling up and down, redeploying during CI over and over, so the just-in-time compilation for every…
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Can .NET Core be used to build native Linux binaries?

Apologies if the question seems basic, but I did some Googling and couldn't find a clear answer (Perhaps I don't know the right keywords). Can .NET Core be used to build native command-line Linux binaries from C# / F# sources? (I'm aware of Mono)
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C# Compile .NET Core 3.0 to Native Code through Visual Studio 2019

I am using Visual Studio 2019 with C# 8.0 and my project is based on this sample: When I open a command prompt and navigate in my solution folder I use the following command to compile…
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Why does a CoreRT-compiled program fail to work with ZIP files?

I wrote the following simple program to test: using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; namespace HelloZip { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string path =…
Shay Guy
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How do I build using the native corert preview?

I have tried to get a .NET core 2.0 console application targeting win-x86 to build using the corert ilc compiler and microsoft linker. So far I downloaded the latest version of the corert libraries and successfully built a preview using the release…
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Compiling a .Net Core Console App with CoreRT and Dapper

I'm attempting to compile my code (a .net core console application) into a native .exe for win-x64 using CoreRT. I was able to follow the documentation right up until the section having to do with reflection and using an rd.xml file, which is where…
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CORERT WebAssembly Build Errors

I followed these instructions here: I finally got to the end part for building the web assembly using build.cmd wasm but I got these errors: " JIT - TOTAL: 15…
0 answers

Debugging UWP .NET app: Unhandled exception at 0x79A1CFAC (SharedLibrary.dll) in MyApp.exe: 0x00001007

I've built a Xamarin.Forms app and when I try to debug its UWP frontend in Debug|AnyCPU mode I get this exception at launch: Unhandled exception at 0x79A1CFAC (SharedLibrary.dll) in MyApp.exe: 0x00001007 Visual Studio wouldn't let me copy all the…
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Compiling a .Net Core Console App with Npgsql and CoreRT

I'm trying to compile a .net core console application into native executable (linux-x64) on an ubuntu 18.04 docker container, using both coreRT and Npgsql. I'm currently using docker-compose to set up the DB and application…
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Call a managed C# library with P/invoke without Assembly.Load or similar

I've been around for days looking for this but all I find is how to call unmanaged libraries from C# using P/Invoke. I need to do it differently: I'm looking to use P/Invoke to call a managed assembly from another one (or use something else,…
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Can you compile complicated WinForms apps on the .NET Core 3.0 with AOT / CoreRT?

I'm attempting to make a Windows forms application and compile it with CoreRT. When the app is simple, compilation works correctly; everything is compiled and the managed code is converted into natiive. However, if I do more than add a couple of…
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