Questions tagged [core-authentication]

5 questions
1 answer

LAContext().biometryType returns .none on iPhone X

I'm facing a problem with CoreAuthentication. I have called canEvaluatePolicy:error: as the documentation ask for but the result is always .none. fileprivate let biometricsType: SecurityBiometrics = { var error: NSError? let…
Kevin Machado
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1 answer

ASP.NET Core Web API + Azure AD Authentication

I need some help with implementing authorization infrastructure for my application. I have a Angular SPA application that works with a Web API. This Web API in turns uses another Web API to serve its request. So, I have totally 2 Web APIs and a…
1 answer

.Net Core Cookie Authentication - User Getting Wrong Claims

I have a very strange issue with a .net core mvc site, which is hosted in IIS. When a user logs in with this code: var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity( new List() { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin", null), new…
1 answer

Change authentication from no authentication to individual authentication in existing project of Asp.Net Core (MVC)

I am working with core mvc application in which, when I have created project at that time I have choosen no authentication as authentication type. but now I need to use individual authentication for standard functionalities like register,…
1 answer

Does IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation performs automatic userinfo instrospection?

I am using Identity server to protect my API. I have defined the ApiResource as this: return new List { new ApiResource { Name = "phone.api", ApiSecrets={new…