Questions tagged [coordinate-systems]

Coordinate systems use one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or geometry in space.

Coordinate systems use one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or geometry in space.

Latitude and longitude is part of a common coordinate system to refer to points relative to the Earth's surface. Global Positioning System (GPS) uses a coordinate system with latitude and longitude for navigation and locating objects on or near the Earth.

A Cartesian coordinate system uses X-Y-Z values to represent points in a 3-D space.

839 questions
3 answers

Python/Matplotlib : convert Axis <=> Data coordinates systems

My question is quite simple : in matplotlib, how can I easily convert coordinates in Axis system to/from Data system (Ideally I'm looking for a simple function output_coords = magic_func(input_coords) ) Actually my exact problem is : I'd like to…
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5 answers

Translating between cartesian and screen coordinates

For my game I need functions to translate between two coordinate systems. Well it's mainly math question but what I need is the C++ code to do it and a bit of explanation how to solve my issue. Screen coordiantes: a) top left corner is 0,0 b) no…
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1 answer

Matplotlib imshow offset to match axis?

I'm plotting a bunch of UTM coordinates using a matplotlib.pyplot.scatter. I also have a background air photo that I know matches the extent of the figure exactly. When I plot my data and set the axis I can display the scatter correctly. If I plot…
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4 answers

WPF: how to make the (0,0) in center inside a Canvas

The WPF Canvas has a coordinate system starting at (0,0) at the top-left of the control. For example, setting the following will make my control appear on the top-left: How can I change it to the…
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1 answer

3ds max to C++/DirectX application orientation conversion

I want to export object from 3ds max to my C++/DirectX application and I have an problem with orientation exporting. 3ds max uses right-handed Z-up coordinate system and my application makes use of left-handed Y-up coordinate system. I use {x, y, z,…
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4 answers

Three.js: Show world coordinate axes in corner of scene

This is probably a very basic problem, but I haven't found a solution yet and it's been bugging me. I'd like to show arrows indicating the world coordinate directions (x, y, z) in the bottom right hand corner of the camera like is done in Maya, so…
4 answers

Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates

I have the Lat/Long value of an small area in Melbourne; -37.803134,145.132377 and also a flat image of that,that I exported from openstreet map( Osmarender Image ). Image width : 1018 and Height:916 I would like to be able to convert, using C++,…
Verve Innovation
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10 answers

Finding Cities within 'X' Kilometers (or Miles)

This may or may not be clear, leave me a comment if I am off base, or you need more information. Perhaps there is a solution out there already for what I want in PHP. I am looking for a function that will add or subtract a distance from a longitude…
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2 answers

How to convert spherical coordinates to equirectangular projection coordinates?

Simplified question How do you convert a spherical coordinate (θ, φ) into a position (x, y) on an equirectangular projection (also called 'geographic projection')? In which: x is longitude, the horizontal position, from -180 to 180 degrees. y is…
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3 answers

How does coordinate system handedness relate to rotation direction and vertices ordering?

While trying to understand different coordinate systems I came across this website, which states: RenderMan uses left-handed coordinate system and the positive rotation is clockwise, while OpenGL uses right-handed coordinate system and the positive…
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3 answers

How to calculate a specific distance inside of a picture?

sorry for my bad english. I have the following problem: Lets say the camera of my mobile device is showing this picture. In the picture you can see 4 different positions. Every position is known to me (longitude, latitude). Now i want to know,…
5 answers

Plotting vectors in a coordinate system with R or python

I am looking for advice on plotting vectors in the cartesian plane. The task is to plot points (coordinates) and then to link them with an arrow to some source point (say 0,0). The image below should give an idea. I don't care about colours and…
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1 answer

How do I convert ECI coordinates to longitude latitude and altitude to display on a Map?

I would like to be more specific about what I want to do. I get coordinates in ECI and I need to get the latitude and longitude from this. How can I do? I was searching but I could'nt find anything about it. Thanks again. (I'm doing a small program…
3 answers

What is this algorithm mapping coordinates to numbers called?

I'm writing a program for visualizing crystals. As a part of the program, I have to generate all different basic points in a lattice structure. For those that aren't familiar with crystallography, you can find the most general cases of these…
1 answer

How to synchronize the Three.js and HTML/SVG coordinate systems (especially w.r.t. the y-axis)?

I'm combining 3D content with Three.js with HTML and SVG content. The Three.js CSSLoader does a pretty good job synchronizing placement of HTML and SVG content in the 3D world. But the SVG/HTML coordinate systems are 'left-handed', whereas Three.js…
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