Questions tagged [cookiestore]

93 questions
2 answers

With 1.4 version of AngularJS, is it possible to create persistent cookies with $cookies?

With 1.4 version of AngularJS, is it possible to create persistent cookies with $cookies? I want data to be stored once I login, for 7 days say. In version 1.3.X, it is not possible to set Expiration date even. But with 1.4, they have deprecated…
0 answers

sharing cookies across domain using ngCookies/$cookiestore

I want to use ngCookies so I can re-use the login cookies on another host under the same domain. This way, when I login on and I visit, I won't need to login anymore. It will use the cookies that was created in…
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Way to clear angularJS $cookieStore in one fell swoop instead of cookie by cookie?

Currently, using angularJS's $cookieStore, I am clearing cookies upon logout one by one. $cookieStore.remove('gender'); $cookieStore.remove('username'); I examined the $cookieStore object in console and found that it looks like this. Object {get:…
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Basic Angular Input Control

I have a basic input control which has three bound events to it. The control displays a year value. On each event, the control should store it's value in a cookie so that on page refresh, the current value stays the same. Events: onchange of the…
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How can I access CookieStore with a Chrome Extension?

I am trying to build a Chrome extension that will allow a user simultaneous cookie sessions. In theory, this would allow the user to be logged into a website (namely, Tumblr) several times. Much like you can do with a normal window and an incognito…
2 answers

Set multiple IE10 cookies for the same domain?

I’m trying to install a cookie file from code on a client side machine. I can tell using the lovely IECookiesView tool, or the less lovely Notepad, that the cookie file contains multiple cookies of different names for the same domain. However if…
0 answers

Is it possible to share cookies between two different apps?

I have two separate apps ( that still share the same database ), in which one is a beta experience. I was curious if it was possible using cookie_store to share session data between them. Since the database is connected, possibly I could use…
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Why is httpclient is refreshing the jsession id for every request?

I am trying to hit a url(login screen), get the jsessionid(J2EEJSESSIONID) and add it in the cookie store and in turn in to the context and hit the same url with credentials. I am expecting a login successful screen. However i am bounced with the…
1 answer

javascript cookies, setting multiple cookies

I'm trying to create an application, that takes in multiple values with cookies, however it seems my setCookie function is not taking in multiple, but instead replacing each value when I enter a new one, so the showCookie functions only displays…
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Android HttpClient cookies

I am trying to make an app for a website. The Login works fine but when I try to send GET requests now the session id cookie isn't send. The HttpContext with a CookieStorage is set up like this: public static final HttpContext LOCALCONTEXT = new…
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Android BasicCookieStore, Cookies and HttpGet

I have a an app that should send a GET request to a URL and send some cookies along with it. I've been looking at a few code examples for BasicCookieStore and Cookie classes, but I'm not able to figure out how to use them. Can anyone point me in the…
Rameez Hussain
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3 answers

How easy is it to crack a cookie created by CookieStore from a Rails app?

I have read a bunch of stuff saying that one con of using the cookie store in a Rails app is that the client can see the cookie data. However, I looked at the cookie data and it is encrypted. Is it relatively easy to decrypt the cookie data?
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Persisting cookies using httpPost and httpclient

I have class which sends requests to the webservice public class JSONParser { CookieStore store = new BasicCookieStore(); static InputStream is = null; static JSONObject jObj = null; static String json = ""; private static final…
Rikki Tikki Tavi
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3 answers

Does plainText password over https remains secure when stored in the client.?

When setting Cookiee on the server with properties(httpOnly and secure=true), does that mean it will only be secured during the communication beween server and client, but not after that? In other words, if the value was originally in plainText…
yoav barnea
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1 answer

Android HTTP app working on emulator, not properly on my phone(s)

I have been struggling with android for the last few weeks and got myself a first working app... on my emulator only unfortunately. I really hope someone can help me out to get it working on my android device(s). Emulator runs v2.2, my devices…
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