Questions tagged [cookiestore]

93 questions
1 answer

How to store Cookies for the next session in ReactJS for Sign-Up functionalities. Can anyone give me some idea?

How to store Cookies for the next session in ReactJS for Sign-In functionalities. Can anyone give me some idea? Following is my ReactJs code for Sign-In page. Basically what I am trying to do is, a user can click the remember me box and that data…
Riya Kapuria
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After login WKWebView Session Logout in iOS

In my app, I want to do login using WKWebView and then all further request to server is done. I'm able to perform successful login using WKWebView. On it's success I get session information. I had implemented it previously using UIWebView and it was…
2 answers

AngularJS: Retain Login information when page refresh

I am trying to retain the user information when page refresh. I used cookieStore for this purpose. So my run module in the Angular App looks like this. .run(['$rootScope', '$cookieStore', '$state', function($rootScope, $cookieStore, $state) { …
Manoj G
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Using a hacked cookiemanager to allow 2 different instances of webview with different cookie stores

So my problem is that i want to use 2 instances of javafx2.2.5 webview at the same time in different containers(JFrame). I found this hack to allow different cookiestores to be used in different threads. How to use different cookies for each…
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rails 3 flash not clearing after redirect to different subdomain

So, I have a controller such as this class SomethingController < ApplicationController def show flash[:notice] = "TEST" redirect_to root_path(:subdomain => 'test') end end Additionally, I have this line in my…
3 answers

how to delete facebook cookies when we sign in through facebook

I have provided one social auth link in my website ,my problem is if i logged in through facebook and logged out from my application but still facebook's c_user cookie is there .How to delete cookie from other domain,because it keeps track of the…
2 answers

Multiple Tabs and Sessions issue in Ruby on Rails

I've an application which I am deploying as Facebook application also. Problem is when I am logged as user1 on my app via Facebook, and try to login from other tab of same browser, session of user2 overrides session of user1. Is there any possible…
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Angularjs - How to store array data for using in every controllers

When I logged in my page, server send me some data including array like 'user_info', 'user_token' and 'user_auth'. And I store them into $cookieStore. But I got one problem that length of 'user_auth' is too large to store into $cookieStore. Logs…
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Methods of saving user info in AngularJS

I want to know about the ways of saving user info. Many seniors have recommended using $cookieStore, or Authentication or etc. But how about using $rootScope? My idea is when user has logged in, saving his/her id and password into…
3 answers

Setting a cookie in AJAX request with AngularJS

I am trying to set a cookie containing a token value retrieved from an Ajax request in AngularJS. At first, I tested the result of the request by simply displaying the token value in my html page -> {{myToken}}. The result was correct. Now, I am…
2 answers

How to implement remember me in angularjs, using authToken?

I am finding difficulty in implementing the functionality for "remember me" in angularjs. I have gone through couple of blogs on stackoverflow but didn't get the solution. Let us say I have 3 username and password stored in database. [{username:1,…
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Rails, CookieStore vs ActiveRecordStore

I am currently experiencing a strange issue with our users being logged out. I haven't been able to reproduce it explicitly. The Rails application is using the default CookieStore. My initial hypothesis is that somehow the session data within the…
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Android Persistent Cookie Store with HTTPUrlConnection

I searched a lot now for the persistence of Cookies but cant find a good solution. I use HTTPUrlConnection to authenticate against a server and I get Cookies back. I retrieve them in CookieManager and can load them into a new connection. Now I want…
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AngjularJs current user solution

I am new to AngularJs. My question is how to store current user data after user logged in? I have come across lots of solutions recommending the use of service, and inject the service into controllers. Something like this: …
Jiandong Chen
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Android HttpClient to accept all cookies

I'm pretty new in the Android world and maybe my question is very simple.. I have an android app where I use HttpGet to connect to a server and collect data. However the server sometimes sets some cookies that are not remembered by my code. I found…
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