Questions tagged [convertview]

ConvertView represents one of the parameters of the `getView` method of various Android adapters, often used to improve the performance of the that adapter.

The convertView is a parameter in the getView method of all Android adapters. This convertView represents a recycled row view(if it is not null) which should always be used in the getView method to avoid the costly creation of objects every time the adapter is required to supply a row view from its getView method. A typical use pattern of the convertView in the getView method is:

  • check if the convertView is null.
  • if the convertView is null then the getView method must build the entire row view as there is no recycled view available.
  • if the convertView is not null then the getView method is supplying a recycled view on which the only needed actions are to setup the correct data/information.

More information about the convertView importance and use can be found in the Google I/O video about Android performance.

83 questions
3 answers

How do I implement view recycling mechanism for PagerAdapter?

I have a pager adapter that suppose to inflate a complex view representing a calendar. It takes around ~350 ms to inflate each year of the calendar. To improve performance I would like to implement the same mechanism that exists in the ListView…
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5 answers

Edittext in Listview android

I have Listview with editext and textview. When i touch on edittext then edittext lost focus! I resolved this problem by setting android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"(AndroidManifest.xml). Now i touch on edittext than editext get focus but…
3 answers

Gallery ImageAdapter convertView is always null

I am using a Gallery with an ImageAdapter to load it with ImageViews that pull images out of my resources. My problem is that the convertView that gets passed to the getView() method in my adapter is always null. This means that a new ImageView is…
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1 answer

Why does getView return wrong convertView objects on SeparatedListAdapter?

I adapted the SeparatedListAdapter from Jeff Sharkey to my needs and got something like this: public class SeparatedListAdapter extends BaseAdapter { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final String LOG_TAG =…
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6 answers

Picasso + convertView: what am I doing wrong here?

This is my getView(). I am obviously doing something wrong here, because the FIRST item of my list always shows no picture. The problem here is with the convertview because if I don't recycle it, there is no problem. Please what am I doing…
Lisa Anne
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3 answers

Getview parameter "convertview" not null on new "position" parameter

I'm using an ArrayAdapter for a list of my own type of objects (only one type) and I give the user an option to create more items (thus creating more views for those items). At some point, getView sent a new "position" index with a non-null…
Sagie Levy
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2 answers

Why is Android recycling the wrong view type in my SpinnerAdapter?

I'm trying to make an ActionBar spinner that has separators. I have implemented a SpinnerAdapter that has 2 item view types (thanks to getViewTypeCount). The problem is that I'm being sent some convertViews from the other type. Here's my…
Benoit Duffez
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1 answer

How to inflate one layout to another layout with string search

How to bold both xml string from search string with switch case.and i want to change each xml string textview and this change will be on button click String strfistsearch= mylist.get(7).get("data4"); …
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3 answers

convertView is being passed as null even if the view exists

I have developed an android application where image and text are displayed in a grid view and when the user scrolls down next ten items(image and text) are displayed. The problem arises when the getView method of adapter is called after…
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1 answer

How to put values from a textview in a row of a listview to a fragment

Working on android app' and I want to pass value from my textview that is in a row of a listview and put it in a fragment. I hear about convertView.gettag and settag method put I don't know how to deal with. My code: public class EvaluationsFragment…
0 answers

Why does ExpandableListView change ChildView settings (Android)?

I have a question to using the ExpandableListView. In my case I have two group- and two child views while the child views consist of a RelativeLayout with several Buttons, TextViews etc. in it. When expanding the second group first for instance and…
0 answers

Listview returning items in wrong order when using convertview

When i'm using convertView it returns wrong view items. It returns right object, that should be at this position. But returns wrong view. public View getView(int arg0, View arg1, ViewGroup arg2) { // for (Capsule capsule : capsules) { // Log.d(TAG,…
3 answers

ConvertView being passed in as a view that's still on screen

In my custom ListAdapter, the first time that GetView() is called, convertView is passed in as NULL, but the second time it is passed in as the view that was created the first time. My ListView has 4 rows, and all 4 are on the screen at the same…
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2 answers

How android getView() works in BaseAdapter?

I've read some articles and watched video in order to understand how ListView works. So, let's say I have list with 5 items (all items visible on screen). I have the following code in my custom adapter which inherited from…
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1 answer

ViewHolder messing Views

I have implemented both a ViewHolder and a convertView in my listView. My listView is populated by a custom adapter, with a list of bookings. When I click on an item, an invisible layout slides in from right to left, to display buttons. I can…
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