Questions tagged [controlsfx]

ControlsFX provides additional UI controls for JavaFX to complement the core JavaFX distribution.

ControlsFX is an open source project for JavaFX that aims to provide really high quality UI controls and other tools to complement the core JavaFX distribution.

267 questions
2 answers

Include Controls FX in Scene Builder?

Is it possible to include the component of Controls FX in Scene Builder ? If yes, can you tell me how, if no can you tell me if there're alternatives ?
Evans Belloeil
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2 answers

controlsfx Dialogs deprecated for what?

ControlsFX class Dialogs is marked as deprecated. What to use instead?
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2 answers

JavaFX PopOver From ControlFX

Can someone write a short JavaFX example of a Popover from ControlFX ? I haven't been able to get it to work. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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4 answers

Update autoComplete JavaFx?

I'm currently working on a JavaFX project.I'm using Autcomplete TextField of ControlFx .Each time i add new rows in database table, it should to update Autocomplete ,i did this but my problem is showing double Context-Menu ,we can say double…
1 answer

How to use BreadCrumbBar in ControlsFX (JavaFX 8)

I'm a Java beginner trying to use BreadCrumbBar from ControlsFX to make a navigation bar in a desktop application I'm making using JavaFX 8. I can't seem to be able to get the bar to work the way I want to, and searching for a tutorial online…
Jay Vaidya
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0 answers

maven run and build with --add-exports

I try to run and my application with InteliJ and Maven on a Win 10 machine. If i run mvn clean javafx:run My GUI starts but if i use a Textfield from org.controlsfx.control.textfield.TextFields i encounter a problem Exception in thread "JavaFX…
1 answer

Gradle run with `--add-exports`

I got a java.lang.IllegalAccessError because of using a com.sun.* class in Java >9. The solution to this is to add --add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=org.controlsfx.controls. I'm not sure how to add this to my build.gradle, but I put run…
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1 answer

How to run ControlsFX sample application using Java 11 and JavaFX 11

ControlsFX website says: If you want to play with the ControlsFX sample application, simply download the ControlsFX release and run the following command on the command prompt (be sure to replace the * with the actual version number of…
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0 answers

Adding ControlFX TableFilter to TableView NoSuchMethodException error

I´m having an execution error when asigning a TableView to a ControlFX TableFilter Code ... Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { for (int i = 0 ; i < columnNames.size() ; i++) { …
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1 answer

How do I change the style of Autocomplete TextField (ControlFX)?

I have an Autocomplete TextField from controlsFX and I want to change the size and the color of each item. This is my part of code : TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(txt_numberOfCard_GENERAL, cardNumber);
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1 answer

javafx CheckListView with custom objects to show particular property

I have controlsfx CheckListView in my application. I am displaying my custom objects (eg: Employee). I have a list of employee objects created and wrapped in an observable list already. Now i set the observable list to my…
Saravana Kumar M
  • 402
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2 answers

javafx NullPointerException with controlsfx Notifications componnets

I want to develop an application that uses controlsfx Notifications to show some notifications in system tray mode. In normal mode my application works well and notification can be shown successfully.but when I hide stage in system tray ,…
hamid mousavi
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2 answers

ControlsFX complex validation

I need to validate simple JavaFX form with password and password confirmation. validationSupport.registerValidator(passwordInput, Validator.createEmptyValidator("Password…
Denis Kokorin
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1 answer

Handle event on CheckListView of Controls FX

I try to work with Controls FX and the Check List View component, but I have several issues on how to use it : By default, cell are not selected when I add item in the CheckListView, how can I do to have it selected by default ? I think I have to…
Evans Belloeil
  • 2,233
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1 answer

Proper way of Implementing JavaFX' SelectionModel to a View that doesn't have it

I'm attempting to implement a MultipleSelectionModel for ControlsFX' GridView. Researching the internet, Jonathan Giles mentioned that it was a bad idea to add listeners to every GridCell. This left me wondering how to notify the selection model of…
Adam Law
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