Questions tagged [controller-advice]

70 questions
3 answers

Spring boot Rest responding with empty body for exceptions other than the ones overridden in my @ControllerAdvice

I have a @ControllerAdvice extending ResponseEntityExceptionHandler as an attempt for me to control standard response for any exception raised with in the API call workflow. Without the Controller advice. I get HTML based generic response generated…
3 answers

@ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler not getting triggered for my RestController

In order to have unified exception handling throughout the application I am using Error Handling for REST with Spring solution#3 which uses @ControllerAdvice along with @ExceptionHandler. Spring version: 4.3.22.RELEASE Spring Boot version:…
1 answer

How to pass checked exception from CompletableFuture to ControllerAdvice

How can I make the controllerAdvice class catch the exception that is thrown from completablefutrue. In the code below I have a method checkId that throws a checked exception. I call this method using completablefuture and wrap the checked…
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How to use @ControllerAdvice if there is no HTTP body?

I'd like to have an @ControllerAdvice that is called for all HTTP requests on all controllers. Unfortunately it only triggers if there is a HTTP body in the request. If not, it's completely ignored. Isn't spring supposed to call handleEmptyBody() in…
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Java Test for Spring ExceptionalHandler

I have a springboot project with controllers and servies. And a GlobalExceptionHandler like - public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler { @ExceptionHandler(DataIntegrityViolationException.class) public…
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How to extract the field name and the error message from the MethodArgumentNotValidException class?

I am using javax.validation.Size annotation to perform String size validation. @Data public class EventRequestBean { @Size( max = 40 ) private String title; @Size( max = 50 ) private String topic; } And I am using a global…
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When to use ResponseStatusException and ControllerAdvice

Spring5 has introduced ResponseStatusException, which has put me in a dilemma as to in what scenario I can use a ResponseStatusException and ControllerAdvice as both of them are quiet similar. Can anyone help me with this. Thanks in advance.
2 answers

How do I change only the status code on a Spring MVC error with Boot?

I'm writing a Web application that makes downstream calls using RestTemplate. If the underlying service returns a 401 Unauthorized, I want to also return a 401 to the calling application; the default behavior is to return a 500. I want to keep the…
2 answers

ControllerAdvice conditionally handle exception

I have a controller advice that handles the exceptional behavior in my REST controller and I came across a situation when I have to conditionally process SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException that have a certain message (the one for duplicate…
Daniel Pop
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Spring Boot @ControllerAdvice / @Valid

I am working on sample demo application for Exception Handling in Spring Boot.I am trying Exception Handling With @ControllerAdvice. I would like to handle exception thrown by validator. It handles other exceptions but not…
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How to catch all the exceptions in Spring boot 2 webflux with @ControllerAdvice

My application is made by Spring Boot 2 webflux and thymeleaf, I want to catch all the exception and render the error to a customized error page. I use @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler to catch exceptions and handle errors in a central…
1 answer

How to capture the response of ResponseEntityExceptionHandler to create JWE encrypt

I have springboot based restful web-service. I have CryptoResponseBodyAdvice to capture the response from controller and create JWE out of response body and send JWE as API response. public class CryptoResponseBodyAdvice implements…
2 answers

What order value do I use on a ControllerAdvice if my libraries may also have ControllerAdvices with Order annotations that I do not know about?

I have a Spring 4 application with multiple ControllerAdvices annotated with @Order(someValue). In addition, I have discovered a ControllerAdvice in one of my external libraries also annotated with @Order(someValue). My understanding is that when a…
1 answer

Spring Boot Controller Advice - How to return XML instead of JSON?

I have a controller advice class, but I can't seem to get it to return XML, even though I've used the @RequestMapping annotation. Here's a stripped-down example. @RestControllerAdvice public class ControllerAdvice { …
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Spring Web: ControllerAdvice

I have the simple class to catch some exceptions like this: @ControllerAdvice public class RestResponseEntityExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler { @ExceptionHandler(RuntimeException.class) public ResponseEntity
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