Questions tagged [continuous-integration]

Continuous integration (CI) is the building and automated testing of the full software product on a frequent schedule: at least once a day, often several times a day and sometimes as often as after every check in to the version control system.


Continuous integration is an important part of an agile software development process. Integration is an important step to detect quality issues, so if it is done frequently, problems will be detected earlier and fewer at a time. Hence, continuous integration can help to reduce the overall cost of the process. Although continuous integration could be automated with simple scripting, it is generally more advantageous to use tools built for this purpose, especially for complex projects with many modular parts.


One of the first tools to become popular for this purpose was CruiseControl. Now there are many such products, both open source and proprietary.


Martin Fowler has a good writeup of what it all means in Continuous Integration.

11923 questions
3 answers

Speeding up PHP continuous integration build server on Hudson CI

I'm trying to speed up my builds some and was looking for some thoughts on how to do so. I currently use Hudson as a continuous integration server for a PHP project. I use an Ant build.xml file to do the build, using a file similar to Sebastian…
Josh Smith
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5 answers

Weird issue with Web Deployment projects 2010

i'm in the process or upgrading my CI configuration to Web Deployment projects 2010 (from 2008) i'm geting a really strange issue durin build as shown below - i've been looking into it a a few hours to no resolve, and am starting to think the issue…
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2 answers

How can I structure my docker projects for easy deployment?

Right now I have multiple components of my application in the same folder linked together with a docker-compose This works really well in development, but when I want to push to production it's kind of fuzzy. If I keep this structure I cannot use…
1 answer

Black screen when taking screenshot with Internet Explorer driver on Windows build server

I am running several automated browser tests with selenium on our build server. There is no problems taking screenshots while running Chrome or Firefox driver, but when running Internet Explorer driver I just get a black screen. Virtual…
1 answer

Replacing -SNAPSHOT in pom when releasing

I am developing code actively, with my developing team. When we release to our customers, I would like to provide jars without the -SNAPSHOT so they only need to update when a new dot version is created. This there a maven plugin that provides this…
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3 answers

How to disable "warning as error" for generated files only? (MSBuild)

On our continous integration server (Teamcity 5.1.3) we have a msbuild script that is automatically building our applications. When we enable "Warning as error": in Visual Studio, it build fine (it ignores the methods within "*.designer.cs" files.…
1 answer

How do I fix this npm install conflict between existing files & symlinks?

I'm running into a problem with NPM, where it seems to be detecting a conflict between an existing file & a symlink, with the same name. I don't see any symlinks when running ls -l from my project's root folder. How do I figure out what's going on…
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2 answers

Set Cruise Controls build number to start at a certain value for renamed project?

I have a project that uses CruiseControl.NET, and as a versioning scheme we have 3.0.[ccnetbuild].[svnrevision]. CCNetBuild is the internal build number cruise control uses to keep track of how many builds of a project it has done. Now I have had to…
Einar Egilsson
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1 answer

Unable to Remove Pending Changes in TeamCity

We had an issue recently that caused TeamCity to stop running builds for several hours. The result was a large queue of pending changes. Now this has been resolved, and new changes are going through the pipeline with no problem. However, the pending…
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1 answer

Use both InstrumentationTestRunner and AndroidJUnitRunner with Robotium and Espresso

We're using Robotium with the android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner for our tests. Nevertheless we want to replace Robotium for Espresso, but we still have some doubts about it, since we have a machine with Jenkins for the CI. Espresso uses the…
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2 answers

Build parent pom and run specific integration test in Jenkins through maven?

Executing mvn clean install on my parent pom builds all the sub-modules and runs the related junit tests. It doesn't run the integration tests. After building and running the junits, I want to run a specific integration test in a particular…
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1 answer

Run Selective Test Classes in VSTS

In Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) when defining a build I can filter specific tests to be included or excluded when running tests. Question: How do I filter complete test classes from execution? The example in the screenshot demonstrates how I…
2 answers

Methods for managing configuration files between multiple environments

Problem We use java WAR files and keep config files in s3 buckets. Our environments: DEV,QA, Stage, and PROD each have their own config files and s3 buckets. If I add a new field, such as "Polling_RATE=5000", it must be manually added to each env…
3 answers

How to fail TFS build based on FXCop warning

We are currently using TFS 2008 for source control and continuous integration. We use FXCop to check for checking performance and security warnings. The Architect or senior developer runs FX Cop at the end of a sprint or before a delivery. We would…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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9 answers

Would you recommend TFS or another Continuous Integration system?

We have appointed a new team lead who will be starting in the next few weeks. He has previously worked with TFS and is likely to want to use that for CI. The team is new to continuous integration so will take any advice he gives. Is there any reason…
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