Questions tagged [context-sensitive-help]

26 questions
1 answer

How are you integrating help into your WPF application. Any recommendations?

The question says it all really. If you are writing a WPF application, how are you integrating the application help? What is the state of play in mid-2013? It seems that there is no clear answer to this from an afternoon with a search engine, but…
9 answers

What's the deal with helpfiles these days?

I added this question at SuperUser for the user's perspective. So I create an application in Delphi or .NET which will run on a desktop system. Some nice GUI with all kinds of functionality and nice features. It works well, tests tell me it's nearly…
Wim ten Brink
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4 answers

What good alternatives to CHM are there for context sensitive help documents in desktop applications?

We currently have a number of desktop applications (PowerBuilder, Winforms, WPF) that make use of a single CHM for context sensitive help. We'd like to move away from CHM as it's difficult to maintain but we've not found a suitable alternative.…
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Extensible framework for context-sensitive help in web application

For the web application we are currently working on, we will have to think in advance on how to roll it out to a number of different user groups. From a functional side it is important to have a documentation system in place that can be used to…
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CHM (htmlhelp) search for keyword

I'm trying to interface the htmlhelp api (which is a big word for one function in two variants), and I have a problem with the following usecase: Assume I have a simple programmer's editor, with a bunch of helpfiles (.CHMs). Some are from the core…
Marco van de Voort
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workflow for managing help content written by external co-workers

We develop a WPF application that has something like a context sensitive help. The content of the help pages is currently written as word documents by external colleagues (say biologists) and then translated to xaml code by developers. This process…
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Integrating Context-Sensitive help in WPF application following MVVM

I am trying to implement Help functionality for my wpf application which is following the MVVM pattern. I have my help file present, which contains many pages according to the application. Now I need to integrate this into my application. Here are…
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3 answers

Global event handler for all controls for User Help

HI, I'm extending a windows application written in C# to provide help to the user (in the context of the focused control) when they hit the F1 key. What I’d like to do is make use of the Control.HelpRequested event but I’m not sure how to extend all…
Chris Moutray
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How Can I Get Context Sensitive He-lp in Delphi to Use Symbolic Names instead of HelpID Aliases?

I'm building my help system into my program, and I'm working on my context sensitive help which should bring up the appropriate help page for the active control when F1 is pushed. On each control, I can set HelpType to htContext and HelpContext to…
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Innosetup - reference a file from [Code] before the installation starts

This is sort of a continuation of this question. I have a file that I want to include with my installation package (a .CHM help file) that I need to access during installation from code. It doesn't need to be installed to the user's machine. So I…
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Adding a help button to an InnoSetup wizard page

I have a setup script with a custom wizard page to get a choice from the user. It would be nice to have a help button and to supply a small CHM file with the installable so that I can provide a detailed explanation of what the choices are. Anyone…
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Create context-sensitive help for a component in Lazarus

We want to make documentation for some new components in Lazarus. Chm documentation files are already available, and we just need to somehow integrate them with Lazarus. This help system should be context-sensitive, that is after F1 key was pressed…
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context sensitive call graph for java bytecode and interprocedural dataflow analysis framework?

In my project, I have two problems to address. 1: I need a context-sensitive call graph for java (bytecode). Here the context is the call stack of the method, i.e., for different invocation points of the same method, the call graph includes two…
1 answer

Argparse: Is it possible to make the help context sensitive

I have a program that uses argparse to process the command line. The program's command line and hence it's help becomes context sensitive. I would like to make the help reflect that context sensitivity. e.g. prog --mode=1 OPTA OPTB OPTC
Jason M
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How to programmatically activate Context Help Mode on a Windows Form in C#

I am building a Windows Forms application in C# (Visual Studio, .net framework 4.7.2). I have created a form, and set the HelpButton property to True, so that the Context Help button appears on the window's title bar as shown here: Under normal…
Ryan Griggs
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