Questions tagged [context-api]

Context-API is a global state management system for React through the use of the React hook useContext().

370 questions
1 answer

how to combine multiple reducers in React using Context API

Working on React app where I have some global state defined with a single reducer currently but would like to introduce multiple reducer as the app is kinda large so would be easier and nicer to organize state on multiple reducers! Currently I…
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React: Why isn't my context value updated?

I'm playing with React Context API. I created a simple component: import React, { createContext, useContext } from 'react'; const MyContext = createContext(1); const MyComponent = () => ( <>


Robo Robok
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How to properly store and retrieve data using react js context api? The code, I have is not working as expected

I am learning react. I am trying to store user information after fetching the data from an api endpoint and store it in context. The problem is I have to execute the function in every webpage to access the information stored in it. I tried using…
4 answers

hook change state doesn't update context provider's value?

I have 2 component, and a context provider, when I call my hook at parent level, I have no issue changing the state and having those 2 component getting the value via context working demo of contex api usage but I call change state at parent level…
Andre Thonas
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Value from Context Not Rerendering

I'm using two variables from a context, but they don't consistently render based on the way I use them in the return. // given a dictionary and key passed in from context const {myDict, KEYTOMATCH} = useContext(...); This works as I expect it…
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Using ContextAPI doesn't re-render its consumer, but content is changed. Why?

Consider this little example. I did some experiments with Context API while learning through the book. const MyContext = React.createContext(0); const D3 = () => { console.log('render D3'); return {num =>…
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prevent child component to re-render below context provider with memo

I am using a context provider in React to share data across several components. However since a value gets changed from one of my subcomponents, it rerenders all of my other components which partly leads to performance issues. So I want to prevent…
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React Context Api vs Local Storage

I have some general questions which are bothering me regarding the context API and local storage. When to use local storage?, when to use the Context API and when would I use both? I know that to persist data after the refresh I need something like…
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"No overload matches this call" error when setting up ContextApi & useReducer using Typescript

I trying to set up ContextApi & useReducer with typescript. On my "issuesInitialState" variable in useReducer, I get the error: No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 5, '(reducer: ({ state, action }: IssueReducer) => {}, initializerArg:…
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2 answers

Handle Nested Context Providers

I have a few nested Context Providers in my app that look like this export const LangContext = React.createContext("javascript"); export const FontContext = React.createContext("mono-space"); export const FontSizeContext =…
2 answers

useEffect and the context api

I'm running into a strange issue with useEffect not noticing the change of values being changed with the context api. I have a fetch that I want to run everytime a certain value is changed and I'm using the context api to manage my state value but…
Josh Wren
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1 answer

React.JS Context API Problem (Rendering Problem)

I'm currently trying to implement a e-commerce project. My question is about Context API and Reducer. Cannot able to render price and other details of the product. in Cart Component Context.Js ; Here is my Context.js Reducer.JsHere is the…
2 answers

Changing language with React Hooks and Contex API

I'm creating a page and it will be avaliable to use in 3 languages. I created 3 files that contain data neccesary to change displayed text. The concept is to check users browser language and display the language accordingly (it works ok) but also to…
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React App is giving error when using context API

I am learning React and right now trying to implement the old way of working with Context API but when I try to compile I get an error. It says : TypeError: context is undefined. Version is 17.0.1 Here are the files I use: Test0.js import React from…
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2 answers

Context Provider in TypeScript

I got the simplest context provider working on ES6 but I am unable to transform it for use on a TypeScript project. Every website I search for has a completely different take on implementing context api. It is just a boolean variable and a function…
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