Questions tagged [connect-mongo]

89 questions
4 answers

Error: Connection strategy not found MongoDB

here is a simple connection to use express session store, it keeps banging out this error even though the text is right from the book. I am pretty sure is has something to do with 'new MongoStore' object initialization. var express =…
Spencer Hire
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2 answers

Error: Cannot init client | mongo-connect express-session

I am getting error while trying to save session on mongodb. Here is my code.. const express = require("express"); const session = require("express-session"); const MongoStore = require("connect-mongo").default; const app = express(); let…
0 answers

mongoose: How can you access session model?

I use express-session package to handle sessions in express. I store sessions in mongodb using mongoose and connect-mongo for express-session store. I am trying to delete some items from my collection when session that was created by express-session…
0 answers

How to handle all error using connect-mongo in expressjs

I am using below code for session management but not able to catch errors like: mongo authentication error. However, I am using error middle ware as well. var express = require('express'); var session = require('express-session'); var MongoStore =…
Sonu Singh
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1 answer

Express Session and Amazon Beanstalk with health check

I have a problem with express session, connect-mongo and Amazon Beanstalk. Each time that Amazon Beanstalk wants to check health, It's doing a request to API but it creates a new document in mongodb database. So, in a short time Amazon creates…
3 answers

connect-mongo creating new session every second

I have my nodejs app hosted on Openshift. Here are my specs: node v0.10.35, express v3.4.8 My package.json dependencies: "dependencies": { "angular-loading-bar": "^0.9.0", "async": "^2.0.0-rc.5", "bcrypt-nodejs": "0.0.3", "body-parser":…
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1 answer

Node-gyp Connect-mongo on Amazon AWS EC2 Linux

I can't get connect-mongo to install on my EC2 instance. Has to do with node-gyp not having access to "/root/.node-gyp/0.10.40" - which is stange because the installed Node version is 4.2.1. The folder "/root/.node-gyp/" doesn't even exit on the…
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1 answer

Mongoose - Searching Schema via findOne() unsuccessfully

In setting up a sessionStore via MongoDB for express-session, I'm having a little trouble using the findOne() function to verify that a user's information is valid and recent. var session = require('express-session'); var mongoStore =…
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Connect-mongo: why is lazy session update not the default?

I'm developing an Express website that uses MongoDB as a backend and the connect-mongo middleware for sessions. Monitoring has shown that about 25% of the database time of my server is spent sending (mostly useless) updates to the MongoDB session…
Valentin Waeselynck
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1 answer

Handle database error when using connect-mongo

I've got a fairly standard connect-mongo setup mongoose is initialised / connected prior to this app.use(express.session({ secret: "sfdgsdgsdfg", store: new MongoSessionStore({db: mongoose.connection.db}) })); This works fine. However…
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Connect-mongo package with Jest leads to error "Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed"

I built a middleware for session-based authentication with express-session package and as a session store I use the connect-mongo package. When I run this Jest test: //.. const createServer = require("./server") // <-- this line triggers the…
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Trouble connecting to local mongo db since updating to mongoose 5.x

I've checked around Stack and the Mongoose docs for this, but I can't seem to get it right. As implied in the title everything was fine until i upgraded the packages for mongoose and connect-mongo. Here's my database.js: var mongoose =…
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1 answer

How to update express session outside of the request with connect mongo?

I am building an integration with Express Session and I am trying to authenticate the user in a separate webhook. So I need a way to update the user session outside of the request since it would be a different request. What I did is I passed the…
Anthony Kung
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0 answers

Cannot get value of req.user for Passport.js

I spent hours figuring things out why I cannot get the value of req.user when Passport.js serialized a user. But magically, when I deleted the database collection that holds the session, it worked again. My stack: Vue.js Express Mongoose MongoDb (I…
0 answers

All active session in mongoDB express-session

How can i get all active sessions using mongo store with express-session in nodejs. What i have tried is: store.all((err,session)=>{ console.log(session); }) But its in the same file where i have initialised mongo store, but i'm unable to use this…
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