Questions tagged [compilation-time]

39 questions
22 answers

Why is Swift compile time so slow?

I'm using Xcode 6 Beta 6. This is something that's been bugging me for some time now, but it's reaching a point where it's barely usable now. My project is starting to have a decent size of 65 Swift files and a few bridged Objective-C files (which…
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12 answers

How to improve Visual C++ compilation times?

I am compiling 2 C++ projects in a buildbot, on each commit. Both are around 1000 files, one is 100 kloc, the other 170 kloc. Compilation times are very different from gcc (4.4) to Visual C++ (2008). Visual C++ compilations for one project take in…
Didier Trosset
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3 answers

How to speed up MonoTouch compilation time?

It is well known that If compiling takes even 15 seconds, programmers will get bored while the compiler runs and switch over to reading The Onion, which will suck them in and kill hours of productivity. Our MonoTouch app takes 40 seconds to…
Dan Abramov
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3 answers

Type safety in Clojure

I want to ask what sort of type safety languages constructs are there on Clojure? I've read 'Practical Clojure' from Luke VanderHart and Stuart Sierra several times now, but i still have the distinct impression that Clojure (like other lisps) don't…
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1 answer

Output compile durations for swift files

Is there a way to output the time taken to compile a swift file during an xcode build? I would like to compile from the command line to trigger the same build xcode does but to include the time taken to compile each file. The Report Navigator show…
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6 answers

Why does Tex/Latex not speed up in subsequent runs?

I really wonder, why even recent systems of Tex/Latex do not use any caching to speed up later runs. Every time that I fix a single comma*, calling Latex costs me about the same amount of time, because it needs to load and convert every single…
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2 answers

Cuda parallel code generation in Visual Studio

I have a couple of C++ projects in a Visual Studio 2012 solution. Those projects contains a large amount of files and I use /MP to speed up the code generation. I was wondering if there's a way to speed up also NVCC in a similar way. Using /MP in…
Nicola Pezzotti
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2 answers

Speed up compilation in GHC

Is there options, except -O0, that can speed up compilation time? It's not matter if resulting programs will be not optimised. Actually I want to just type-check large haskell package often and fast. Flag -fno-code dramatically speeds up compilation…
Fedor Gogolev
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1 answer

What is the difference between Type Safety and Type Inference?

How are they different? I get a bit confused because they seem to be similar concepts. How does understanding them help with optimizing compilation time?
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2 answers

Get JAR compilation time

I am trying to get the compilation time of the runnable JAR file I am exporting from Eclipse. One way to do this would probably be to get the modification time of the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to get this…
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1 answer

Are the new Delphi XE2 autogenerated build numbers linked to 1.1.2000 00:00:00?

In Delphi XE2 the automatically generated build numbers functionality now uses some kind of date and time generated values, like this: 2.4.4386.838 The last two numbers change each time you build and are based on the current date and time: Major = 2…
Gad D Lord
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3 answers

Linking/compile time concerning static template libraries

It seems to be a common convention not to use source files for template based classes (STL and boost) and to put the implementation into the header as well. I assume that this will increase the time it takes to compile the source files that include…
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1 answer

Shorter way of resolving type to the class::typedef

I have several classes. For now they are separated by one symbol. Few of them contains type (a typedef) and few of them doesn't have it. struct A { ... public: typedef someclass type; } struct B { ... }; I want to implement a SFINAE class in such a…
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4 answers

How to parse a static const std::string in compilation time?

I have some SQL queries with binds in my C++ code, those queries are static const std::string, because those queries are complex it is very easy to be wrong with some details. I would like to do some very basic checks in compilation time, for…
Mauricio Ruiz
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1 answer

How can I check if a library is available before compiling a C program

Is there a way to include a library only if it is available to the compiler? I thought about checking it with #ifndef (as shown below) but it just checks if a macro name is not defined and what I really need is to check if the compiler can reach to…
Wesley Gonçalves
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