Questions tagged [com-server]

41 questions
2 answers

Excel 2007 UDF: how to add function description, argument help?

The description I am writing a couple of Excel UDFs in COM Servers. I'd like to get the standard help (Insert Function dialog) that you get when you press fx. Yes, I can see my COM Server listed in among the Category drop down, but I also see…
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Get Process ID of COM Server

I'm doing some automation via a combination of windows message sending directly to HWNDs and calls to a COM server exposed by the automated application. If there is more than one instance running, I need to be able to determine the process ID of the…
Mike Marynowski
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When do I generate new GUID's for COM Servers? (Examples in Python)

I’m new at making COM servers and working with COM from Python so I want to clarify a few things I could not find explicit answers for: Creating GUID’s Properly for COM servers Do I generate: The GUID for my intended COM server manually, copy it…
Steve Lee
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6 answers

CDialog::Create fails for dialog with ActiveX control

I have a module that creates a modeless dialog containing an ActiveX control. This module was part of an MFC EXE application and the creation of the dialog worked fine. Recently, I moved the module out into an ATL/COM server and copied the dialog…
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1 answer

Registering COM server with Wix

I have the following WiX code that registers a COM server component
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How to access sub object in CANoe COM Server Interface

I have one big and difficult to understand problem with COM Server. I’m trying write client application to CANoe (application by Vector). They gave CANoe.tlb, CANoe.h and CANoe_i.cpp files but I use only CANoe.tlb via #import. All examples are in…
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COM server C# (use x86 dll in x64 app)

I want to use x86 dll in in my x64 C# application! On forum I read that com object will help me! This is my ComServerSample. It is compile like x86. [ComVisible(true)] public class MyComServer : IMyComSample { private…
1 answer

Excel calls IRTD.ServerTerminate while there are still active RTD formulas in a sheet

I have a C# RtdServer that receives data updates from a TCPListener. It's runs as expected except for that at certain points when it still has active RTD()s in the sheet ServerTerminate() is called and I can't seem to figure out why. I was of the…
Pat Mustard
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I found the ComClass, now how do I reference it?

I've written a small COM Server in Delphi 2010 that acts as a plug-in into a retail application. The retail application looks for a "discover" interface which registers any number of additional interfaces calling TAutoObjectFactory.Create for each…
David Cornelius
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2 answers

Create COM server with Ruby?

Ruby on Windows has the win32::ole library that allows Ruby to act as a COM client, similar to VBScript and other scripting languages (Python, Perl, etc. with win32 bindings). However, I am wondering if it is possible to create a COM server with…
Kevin Walzer
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How to read all excel data with Matlab COM server

I need to read very large excel data and I want to calculate it. My data have so much sheets and every sheet has much columns and number of columns isn't specific (e.g: Sheet1 have 150 columns but Sheet2 have 3000 columns) however number of rows are…
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Hiding COM-Server OLE error message when user does not have sufficient rights

I am upgrading a Delphi-software project with a COM-automation interface to simplify some batch tasks (via WSH-Scripting). That in itself is easy... However, most of the "actual" users of the software do not need (or even know of) this interface,…
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ComVisible attribute and IDispatch interface

Is there any relationship between ComVisible attribute and IDispatch interface? I mean when a write an COM class in C#, COMVisible TRUE, it automatically implements that class from IDispatch interface?
Abhishek Jain
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1 answer

MATLAB interop server (automation server) is available with Runtime libraries?

I am trying to figure out whether it is possible to use the MATLAB COM server (automation server) without installing the whole MATLAB package (but only the runtime libraries).
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How to specify which COM server my .NET interop should use?

I've got a .NET application which uses a COM server. The COM server is registered on the machine where I run it, so when my code reaches new MyInterop.SomeObject() the appropriate MyComServer.exe is started. However, as I'm debugging, I've got…
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