Questions tagged [color-depth]

74 questions
1 answer

Stacking astronomy images with Python

I thought this was going to be easier but after a while I'm finally giving up on this, at least for a couple of hours... I wanted to reproduce this a trailing stars image from a timelapse set of pictures. Inspired by this: The original author used…
1 answer

WinForms app uses low-quality title bar icon on 16-bit display

On displays with 16-bit color depth (including Remote Desktop sessions set to 16-bit color), Windows Forms applications use a low-color-depth version of the assigned title-bar icon (Form.Icon). WPF applications and Windows Explorer, however, use the…
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Kinect Depth and Image Frames Alignment

I am playing around with new Kinect SDK v1.0.3.190. (other related questions in stackoverflow are on previous sdk of kinect) I get depth and color streams from Kinect. As the depth and RGB streams are captured with different sensors there is a…
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4 answers

How to capture depth data from camera in iOS 11 and Swift 4?

I'm trying to get depth data from the camera in iOS 11 with AVDepthData, tho when I setup a photoOutput with the AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate the photo.depthData is nil. So I tried setting up the AVCaptureDepthDataOutputDelegate with a…
Heestand XYZ
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How can I check the color depth of a Bitmap?

I'm working on an application that prints a folder of image files, including JPEG and TIFF. The TIFF images are usually Black and White (1bpp). After loading the image, I want to determine if the image is Color or B&W or Grayscale so I can send the…
Chris Thompson
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16 bits bit depth

I have an image viewed in an applet. How do I save the image as 16 bits bit depth png format? I'm using java.
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Does CGImage support 16 bits per channel?

bitsPerComponent says it's at most 8, but a couple of Stack Overflow questions imply 16 is supported.
Kartick Vaddadi
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Doesn't WPF support 10-bit monitors (aka 30 bit colors)?

I need to support 10 bit per pixel displays (aka 30 bit colors) in a WPF image viewing app. I have a working setup (10bit screen and Nvidia Quadro) where I have been able to verify that the 10 bit support works by testing with gradient in PhotoShop:…
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Convert kinect RGB and depth values to XYZ coordinates

I'm looking for an easy way to Convert kinect RGB and depth values to XYZ coordinates using MATLAB. My goal is a function with an input of: RGB and depth values of each point taking by Kinect camera, and output of: x,y and z values of each…
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0 answers

Unity: Saving Depth from Render Texture as png

What is the simplest way to save my Depth color mode Texture Render. Can it be done without using replacement shaders on my camera? It seems like most of the work is done just setting the color mode to depth on a camera with a render target.…
1 answer

generate 16-bit color map in matplotlib

I would like to colorize a 16-bit depth image with a RGB colormap in matplotlib. Technically, 3 channels with 8 bit per channel should be enough to have distinct rgb values for all 2^16 possible depth values. A standard color map 'viridis' does…
Raphael H.
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1 answer

Color depth in Android

I just displayed a bitmap on a samsung galaxy 10.2. The image was created in photoshop showing some subtle change from a light red to a slightly darker red, it looked perfect on my PC, but the rendering on the tablet showed multiple bands. I know…
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how to map depth frame to color frame WITHOUT Kinect

I am trying to map depth frame to color frame without kinect. I previously acquired the images, using Kinect, and now, based on the depth image where i can clearly see the person body shape, i want to match both, color and depth image, without using…
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PIL Image convert from I mode to P mode

I have this depth image: that I load with PIL like: depth_image ='stereo.png') If I print the mode of the image it shows mode I, that is (32-bit signed integer pixels) according to the documentation. This is correct since the image…
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1 answer

Coordinate mapping from left or right IR image to depth - R200 Intelrealsense

the community has already helped me to guide me in this project. I am working with the R200 camera, Visual studio 2015, C ++, Windows 10 and OpenCV 3.1. I currently do the image preprocessing separately in the left and right infrared cameras to…
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