Questions tagged [coldfusion-2016]

ColdFusion is a server-side rapid application development platform, from Adobe. ColdFusion 2016 was released on February 15, 2016. ColdFusion was later updated to ColdFusion 2018.

New features in ColdFusion 2016:

  • PDF Enhancements
  • Updated functions including Query and Array processing functions
  • Language enhancements including safe navigation (?.)
  • Command Line Interface
  • Swagger document generation


319 questions
2 answers

ColdFusion 2016 performance versus ColdFusion 9

We are in the process of upgrading from ColdFusion 9 to ColdFusion 2016 and we have noticed an overall decrease of performance. We ran several simulations to give more insight. Below is a script that gives a good example of the performance decrease.…
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ColdFusion too big to be an integer

I am trying to convert a large number going in to Megabytes. I don't want decimals numeric function formatMB(required numeric num) output="false" { return arguments.num \ 1024 \ 1024; } It then throws an error How do I get around this?
James A Mohler
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1 answer

cfquery crashes when there are tsql comments

This does not crash in ColdFusion 11, but does crash in ColdFusion 2016 SELECT * FROM dbo.Roles WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Code IS NOT NULL AND Active = 1 AND RoleID IN (SELECT RoleID FROM dbo.Emp WITH (NOLOCK)) -- It's ok to look at termed…
James A Mohler
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1 answer

ColdFusion 2016: Can you have a folder in your web root named 'api' or 'rest'?

I just installed ColdFusion 2016 (upgraded from CF10) and I noticed that whenever I try and access a folder in my webroot called 'api', I get an internal 500 error. For example: I assume this has something to do with the new…
Dave L
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How to run query on session end?

I have query that should run on session end. If there is record that is tied to user account then I would like to remove that record. I use session scope to store users ID's. Once user manually logs out or their session timed out this query should…
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Undocumented inconsistent behavior regarding ColdFusion's CGI scope/struct

I initially posted this as an answer to this question earlier regarding Empty CGI.REDIRECT_URL on ColdFusion 2016. After thinking about it, I thought better of it since technically didn't answer the OP's question. Instead I decided to make it into…
0 answers

Protecting against base64 injection attacks in cfmail

I have a REST web service that accepts a bunch of fields. These fields are going have processing and eventually become part of an email. When I am building up the email, the field called message.image will later become rc.image and it will be added…
James A Mohler
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2 answers

How to conditionally pass arguments to an instance of a CFC?

I am currently using the tag to invoke CFCs and pass them arguments. This is really convenient because I can use tags to pass in only the parameters that I want like such:
volume one
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CFSpreadSheet functions using up memory for large data sets

We have a Coldfusion application that is running a large query (up to 100k rows) and then displaying it in HTML. The UI then offers an Export button that triggers writing the report to an Excel spreadsheet in .xlsx format using the cfspreadsheet…
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1 answer

How to use IIS URL rewrite for ColdFusion to remove Server header and other varibles from Header Response? For IIS (8 and above versions)

As a part of security configuration, we should not be revealing the "Server" variable and other variables in the Header Response. How can I remove these variables for a ColdFusion server hosted on IIS?
Vishwas S L
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Could not create connection to database (ColdFusion)

I'm creating a simple CRUD application via ColdFusion. I'm going to ColdFusion Administrator Panel at http://localhost:8600/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm, and adding a "New Data Source". But I get the following error: Connection verification failed…
1 answer

CF accepts JSON string in cf2016 but not in cf9

I am calling an API and need to send it a JSON string with credentials. We are currently transitioning from CF9 to CF2016. In DEVL I have both versions. In Test and Prod I currently have CF9 only. Originally I wrote the code and tested on CF2016 and…
Lauren Robinson
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1 answer

Coldfusion StructSetMetaData not updating items in an array inside a structure

I have a struct named requestStruct that looks like this: {"api_version":"1","SourceId":"99","CampaignId":"999","policy":{"zip":"60644","street_address":"43 Memory…
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ColdFusion Solr CFSearch Criteria Complexity

I'll try to make this as short as possible. We have a ColdFusion site that uses Solr to index several thousand PDFs. Part of the index information is also stored in a database, which is used to help filter the results. The search page is broken up…
Steve D.
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1 answer

How to get rid of Evaluate with Object function call

I call a function through object at runtime. In this specific case, the function name is supplied through a logic from another page at runtime (the function exists in cfc). At present we use Evaluate and that is very slow. Any way I can get rid of…
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