Questions tagged [coldbox]

ColdBox is an object-oriented, event-driven framework for ColdFusion that includes tools to help developers with bug reporting, logging, enterprise caching, debugging, i18n, URL rewriting, ORM integration, testing, and mocking.

131 questions
1 answer

Sending High Volume of Emails with Coldfusion

This question could probably be related to doing anything high volume, but in this case I am trying to send emails. I have setup the sending process in a new thread so user doesn't wait, and have overridden the request timeout to an hour. The…
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How can I make a WireBox injected dependency available to a constructor method?

In this example, I have a model object called test.cfc which has a dependency testService.cfc. test has WireBox inject testService through a property declaration. The object looks like this: component { property name="testService"…
Dave L
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0 answers

How to Validate a JWT with a JWK (ColdFusion)

I am currently trying to verify the signature of a JWT using an RSA public key built from a JWKS URL. I am using some Java objects for this, but my problem is that the Java Signature verifier doesn't just take a plain-text string decoded to binary…
1 answer

Using ColdBox Framework, How Can I Use BuildLink() Inside of My Model?

I have a CFML ColdBox framework model service which needs to build links. However, models don't have access to the framework SuperType thus don't have access to event.buildLink(). How can I give services within my model the ability to create links?…
Dave L
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1 answer

query in cfc returns [n] items on local, but repeats first element [n] times on live site

I am new to ColdBox (and mvc in general) and have been trying to sort this out myself, to no avail. A finding function works fine on our procedural site, and I am trying to get my feet wet with switching it to mvc, bit by bit. On my mvc test site,…
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ColdBox: The method _actionExists was not found in component

Running ColdBox 4.2 we were seeing this error after reinit, but only on one specific handler cfc. If we reinit several times it would eventually go away, which sounds like a race condition. We thought of just doing…
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The noticeError method was not found. while using Coldbox and NewRelic for Error tracking

I'm just using NewRelic error trapping for my coldbox application. From OnException method, I'm just sending the error struct to log the error. My code in onexception method public function onException(event,rc,prc){ NewRelic.logError(…
Rajesh Manilal
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All special characters showing up as à (A tilde) using Coldbox's SES

Using coldbox, Coldfusion 9. I have tested this with a form-post and a url parameter. In both cases, I submit the string: "à á Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü ß" , and in both cases I immediately dump the input to the browser,…
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2 answers

ColdFusion regular expression excluding a word

I'm having troubles constructing a regular expression using ColdFusion 10. I need reFind() to return zero if a URL contains "dev" at the end of any subdomain with "" in it. reFind(THE_REGEX, "") needs to…
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3 answers

ColdFusion, and documenting code as well as tools for multiple developer teams

I am beginning a fairly large new project using ColdFusion. This new project will include several developers and as such documentation of code will be key. Another issue I am hoping to avoid (either with adequate code documentation or some other…
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3 answers

What can CF10 RESTful API do that Coldbox RESTful API cannot do? And vise versa?

Just started looking at some MVC JS framework / library and most of them expect a RESTful API endpoint, which got me thinking... what can I do using CF10 that cannot be done using CF9 + ColdBox RESTful support, and vise versa? Thank you.
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1 answer

How to I Store, Retrieve, and Update Session User Data Using Cbauth in a Coldbox App?

Cbauth is a Forgebox module commonly used in Coldbox applications to handle user authentication. To retrieve information on the currently logged in user, you can call auth().getUser(). This method calls retrieveUserById() in the app defined user…
Dave L
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5 answers

CF Project getting too big, what shall one do?

A simple billing system (on top of ColdBox MVC) is ballooning into a semi-enterprisey inventory + provisioning + issue-tracking + profit tracking app. They seem to be doing their own thing yet they share many things including a common pool of…
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0 answers

Mock function call with mockbox that needs to both throw and not throw

I'm using Mockbox to write tests and have a function I need to test that looks like this public void function placeOrder() { // do stuff local.helper = variables.injector.getInstance("orderHelper"); local.args = { a = "hi", b = "bye" }; try…
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2 answers

Best practice for Datasource use in a CFC

I have an application which uses context sensitive datasources. Currently I keep the datasource information stored a such reqeust.DB.Datasource = "DatasourceName"; request.DB.Username = "DatasourceUsername" request.DB.Password =…
Tyler Clendenin
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