Questions tagged [codebase]

The term codebase, or code base, is used in software development to mean the whole collection of source code used to build a particular application or component.

The codebase for a project is typically stored in a source control repository. A source code repository is a place where large amounts of source code are kept, either publicly or privately. They are often used by multi-developer projects to handle various versions and developers submitting various patches of code in an organized fashion. Subversion and Mercurial are popular tools used to handle this workflow, and are common in open source projects.

145 questions
19 answers

What's the best way to become familiar with a large codebase?

Joining an existing team with a large codebase already in place can be daunting. What's the best approach; Broad; try to get a general overview of how everything links together, from the code Narrow; focus on small sections of code at a time,…
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5 answers

How can I convert Assembly.CodeBase into a filesystem path in C#?

I have a project that stores templates in a \Templates folder next to the DLLs and EXE. I want to determine this file path at runtime, but using a technique that will work inside a unit test as well as in production (and I don't want to disable…
Dylan Beattie
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4 answers

Running multiple sites from the same rails codebase?

I have a client that wants to take their Rails app that has been successful in one niche and apply it to another similar niche. This new instance of the app is going to start out very similar: all the same functionality, different logo and colors.…
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11 answers

Understanding a Large, Undocumented Set of Source Code?

I have always been astonished by Wine. Sometimes I want to hack on it, fix little things and generally understand how it works. So, I download the Wine source code and right after that I feel overwhelmed. The codebase is huge and - unlike the Linux…
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3 answers

Navigating a big Python codebase faster

As programmers we read more than we write. I've started working at a company that uses a couple of "big" Python packages; packages or package-families that have a high KLOC. Case in point: Zope. My problem is that I have trouble navigating this…
Niels Bom
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7 answers

Organizing the source code base when mixing two or more languages (like Java and C++)

I ran into a problem a few days ago when I had to introduce C++ files into a Java project. It started with a need to measure the CPU usage of the Java process and it was decided that the way to go was to use JNI to call out to a native library (a…
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3 answers

How to determine what is making Eclipse slow?

We have rather large code base (150+ projects, 400000+ lines of Java code, some Groovy and Gradle code, some Perl code, some XML, a lot of JSPs etc.). I managed to open all those projects in Spring Tools Studio 2.6 to which I also added some plugins…
Andrey Adamovich
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8 answers

How do you familiarize with a codebase that has no documentation?

I don't know, I've been told that the previous developers did fine in picking up and heading straight into coding with no major problem. I wonder if I am doing it wrong by requesting my manager for some brief meetings with some senior programmers…
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7 answers

Alternatives to commented out code for historical purposes

Does anyone have a valid alternative for using commented out code checked into the repository for findability reasons? The reason I ask is because I had a discussion with a fellow developer recently on checking in code that is commented out. My…
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4 answers

How do I handle two separate yet very similar code-bases with git /github?

What is the best method to handle two separate, but very similar code-bases in git and git-hub? Background I have a git repository for a small shell script project. It only has 2 or 3 files of code in it, and I am often working in a single file.…
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1 answer

Using Codebase to load assembly

Based on this question, I tried using to locate an external assembly. Now, when I run the program, I get an error message saying that the private assembly was located outside the appbase. How can I fix this issue? One suggestion I saw…
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2 answers

Using element in app.config

I intend to keep few dll's in a folder other than the bin folder for my .NET 3.5 Windows application. I am unsure of how would I use the codebase element or the probing element to specify the right path. This is what I have in the app.config file…
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1 answer

How to organize Windows Phone code base to target both 7.x and 8 platforms

I took over a Windows Phone project which was previously targeting WP 7.1 platform, and with the recent announcement of the new platform it should target WP 8 as well. My VS 2010 solution consists on several projects (Data access, Model, Tests and…
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3 answers

Is it common to have example values for compile-time checking and where should they go in the code?

I have a reasonably complex structure of data types and records, which is not so easy to make sense of by just looking at production code for someone not familiar with the codebase. To make sense of it, I created this kind of dummy functions that…
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5 answers

Source Control system for not-so-smart programmers

Problem: A huge code base spanning to several million SLoC, maintained(support/active enhancements etc) by a horde of second/third rate programmers(most of them who do not really care). Decades ago, few smart guys had put in place a…
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