Questions tagged [code128]

A very high-density barcode semiotics used for alphanumeric or numeric-only barcodes.

Code 128 is a very high-density barcode semiotics. It is used for alphanumeric or numeric-only barcodes. It can encode all 128 characters of ASCII and, by use of an extension character (FNC4), the Latin-1 characters defined in ISO/IEC 8859-1

128 questions
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Reading QRCode with Zxing in Java

Some questions about using Zxing... I write the following code to read barcode from an image: public class BarCodeDecode { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { String…
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Where can I find "reference barcodes" to verify barcode library output?

This question is not about 'best' barcode library recommendation, we use various products on different platforms, and need a simple way to verify if a given barcode is correct (according to its specification). We have found cases where a barcode is…
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Generating Code 128 Barcodes using Excel VBA

I'm trying to get Code 128 barcodes generated in Excel, through the use of VBA. I've found a VBA class that somebody made and shared via VBForums (subsequently modified to work with Excel VBA), but I'm having problems getting it to work. If I use…
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C# : Generating Code 128 Barcode (width of bars/spaces)

So I inherited this code, or should I say, someone developed this and moved on and now we are having a problem with it and I'm looking into it... We are generating c128 barcodes and upon having them certified they noticed an issue that I can't see…
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Code128/EAN128 barcode component for Fast Report?

During a migration of reports which contain EAN128 / Code128 barcodes to Fast Report I found that Fast Report does not use the correct symbology. The lines of a Code128 barcode are very wide so that they are perfect for long distance scanning in a…
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TAB key in Code128 barcodes

I'm trying to create a barcode with a TAB key within it. It seems as though some generators (only found one thus far) uses ~ as a TAB key. But I can't seem to get it to work with any of the other generators. I've also read that Code128 A supports…
Nir Tzezana
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Is this code for calculating Code128 barcode check digits correct?

Based on my understanding* of the check digit calculation for Code128 barcodes (which differs radically/drastically from most of the other standard barcode types), my code below is correct. However, I would appreciate a "sanity check" by those who…
B. Clay Shannon
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ZXing Barcode scanning(code128 format) is not working in Xamarin Forms

We using the ZXING library to scan the barcodes for xamarin forms app and its working fine. But now are having issue with barcode - code128 format as its not scanning the bar codes (content length - 19 char ). Attached barcode for reference. We…
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Python Code128 encoder for Code128 barcode font

Like the title says, I have a Code128 font that I would like to print barcodes with. However, the string needs to be encoded in Code128 to make the barcode font work. My app uses the Python3 language. There used to be an example on the web somewhere…
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Generate barcode code128 with fpdi don't get read when printed at 203 dpi

I generate a barcode with fpdi and php: use setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi; require ('fpdf181/fpdf.php'); require ('FPDI203/src/autoload.php'); $pdf = new Fpdi('L','mm',array(106.36,25.9)); $titulo1 = "Image Processor"; $titulo2 =…
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JasperReports with Barcode Code128 (Barcode4J): PNG differs from PDF

I'm printing a label with following number "1000049722ABCD2F" as a barcode, using a Jasper-template and the barcode-element "Code128" from Barcode4J. Printed as a PDF, the barcode is perfect and scannable. Printing same barcode as a PNG-file, the…
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Encode extended ASCII characters in a Code 128 barcode

I want to encode the string "QuiÑones" in a Code 128 bar code. Is it possible to include extended ASCII characters in the Code 128 encoding? . I did some research on Google which suggested that it is possible by using FNC4, but I didn't find…
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GS1-128 and RegEx

I'm busy with GS1-128 and want to match scanned barcodes using RegEx. I currently have the following expression: ^(01)(12345678)(\d{5})\d(11|17)(\d{2}[0-1]\d[0-3]\d)(10|21)(\d{1,20})(30)(\d{1,20}) This succesfully matches the barcode…
2 answers

Is a checksum required in the Code128 barcode specification?

Introduction Step 1 I tried to read the barcode (see image below) using a mobile barcode reader and online tools and got it: data - 30925018, visualization algorithm - Code128C Step 2 Then I tried to generate a barcode from given data and got these…
Roman Svyatnenko
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How to check a Code 128 bar code is EAN 128 or not

How can I check weather a Code 128 bar-code is "EAN 128" or not. I am creating an application that uses both Code 128 and EAN 128 bar-code. While scanning a "EAN128" bar code the Android Vision API is returning the type as Code 128. From google I…
Stephan Ronald
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