Questions tagged [code-search-engine]

41 questions
1 answer

Solr schema and boosting by keywords/tags for item

When users searches and clicks a result, we store this search keyword in the DB. What we get is a list of keywords for every item with the number of times item was clicked for that keyword. In solr schema I have multivalued field "keywords". How can…
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5 answers

Who calls this function?

At my last job (legacy FORTRAN 77 code), we had files of cross references that list what subroutines called other subroutines, in what files subroutines were defined, what common blocks held what variables, what subroutines included what common…
Scottie T
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1 answer

How to quickly search a subversion repository?

We are looking at writing a site using Lucene.Net to search our Subversion repository but before we do that has anybody else already tackled this problem? Something like google for our private source code would be great.
Jeremy E
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3 answers

Text indexer search tool which can filter by punctuation?

This is not a programming question per se but a question about searching source code files, which help me in programming. I use a search tool, X1, which quickly tells me which source code files contain some keywords I am looking for. However it…
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0 answers

How to track usage of Hound

What are some ways we could monitor Hound, both usage and specific searches? Is there any systems either built in or that can be added as extensions? We are running Hound on the intranet but we have no visibility of how it's being used and how much…
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3 answers

How can I find projects across multiple open-source code repositories?

There are lots of open-source code repositories - SourceForge, Google Code, Project Kenai, etc. Is there a one-stop place where I can find, discover, or search for open-source projects across all of these repositories? Or do I have to visit all…
David Koelle
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0 answers

Find stolen code in your code base

We have a large code base that has grown over many years with many different developers. By accident, we found a code snippet that has obviously been taken from an open source project, but without the corresponding license and reference to the…
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1 answer

Search Engine for a blog_website(searching inside links )

I created a very basic search option for my blog, and as per topics and key words it is generating results but what i am looking for is in certain articles i have to add links so if my search can go through those links that are basically external…
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1 answer

Parsing a Programming Language and Identifying Components of it

I'm looking for steps/libraries/approaches to solve this Problem statement. Given a source file of a Programming language, I need to parse it and Subdivide it into components. Example: Given a Java File, I need to find the following in it. list…
1 answer

Is it recommended to have separate wars for separate source trees in opengrok?

I have multiple source trees which can be grouped. Should i have a single war or multiple wars for each group? What are the benefits? Less indexing time? Thanks, xabhi
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3 answers

how to quickly search file contents in visual studio for large codebases

Visual studio has the ability to instantly Navigate To (ctrl + ,) any symbol that is part of the solution. However, I am working on a large c++ codebase where all code files cannot be opened in a single vs solution. How to instantly search files…
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1 answer

Searching a code segment from a file

I am trying to achieve searching for bug fixes available on certain code repository. All I have is individual fix's code . I need to come up with an executable which can parse the entire file and can establish whether the fix is available or not…
1 answer

Maintaining the ranking order in continuously updating database

Suppose a database table contains information about a search term in each row. The table has an integer "rank" column to dictate the order in which the search-terms are to be presented on a web site. How do I best implement and maintain this rank…
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6 answers

"Universal" search engine for PHP examples

There are a lot of web sites for for PHP developers to copy scripts from. I wonder if there is a "universal" search engine to search examples from all of these sites? Something like a Google custom search engine which searches PHP examples from good…
James Bond
0 answers

Is there an search engine API that gets data from my database

I just wanted to know if there's a programmable search engine API that can be integrated into my system (repository system). I have this project and my adviser wants me to create a search engine that will show the searched keyword coming from the…