Questions tagged [code-editor]

216 questions
11 answers

Why does the Visual Studio editor show dots in blank spaces?

I have a strange bug in the Visual Studio text editor. All my blank spaces are replaced by a "." public class Person { int age; } looks like this public..class..Person.......................... {..................…
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4 answers

How can I prevent the "You have mixed tabs and spaces. Fix this?" message?

Any time I paste code into my .cs file, I get the dreaded "You have mixed tabs and spaces. Fix this?" message. It has three options: Tabify Untabify Don't show again I first tried "Tabify" a few times, until I was finally fed up and selected "Don't…
B. Clay Shannon
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10 answers

Collapse all #regions only(!) in C# (Visual Studio)

There's a number of keyboard shortcuts and menu commands to automatically expand or collapse all foldables in the current document. Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L toggles all foldables recursively, from the top namespace down to the inner methods and comments.…
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12 answers

How to collapse blocks of code in Eclipse?

Some days ago my Eclipse was working fine and a +/- appeared in every block that could be collapsed (functions, classes, etc.)... but now it does appear, and I don't know how to activate that feature again. It's Eclipse Helios, running on a Gentoo…
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2 answers

Free/open source code editor UI control for .Net

I'm looking for a free, syntax-highlighting, possibly autocompleting "Programmer's textbox" style control for use in a Visual Studio Windows Forms or WPF project. It should work with C# and self-defined languages, and the licence should permit its…
8 answers

How to remove tab indent from several lines in IDLE?

If you want to indent several lines in Python IDLE you just mark the lines and hit Tab. But what if you want to remove the indent from several lines? Shift+Tab does not work for that in IDLE.
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2 answers

Vertical Line in Android Studio

I don't know why but sometime in Android Studio Editor, it shows vertical line as shown in screenshot below. Don't know about other editor but it happens in Android Studio. So why it is showing and how to hide it?
Jagruttam Panchal
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2 answers

IntelliJ: how to force editor to treat a file as javascript?

I'm creating a Grails app in IntelliJ 10 and have a javascript file that is created dynamically, as a Grails view. For that reason the javascript file doesn't end in '.js'. It ends in '.gsp' because it's a Groovy Server Page that spits out…
Dean Moses
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3 answers

How to display full documentation of a method as you type in VS?

The title is pretty descriptive... Is there any extension that let me see FULL documentation of the method I'm typing ? I would like to see the documentation as I can see it in Object Browser with description of parameters and everything not just…
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7 answers

Does Google Apps Script support external IDEs?

I am using Google Apps Script and was wondering if I could use any sort of editor outside of the one Google provides. (I purchased Sublime Text and would like to use that.) The one Google provides is disgusting, with tiny text even though I have a…
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5 answers

How to enable VS Code HTML error checking / validation?

I have just switched to Visual Studio Code for web development from Netbeans and am finding my way around. In Netbeans, if I forget the closing bracket on a tagname it will indicate my error with a red squiggly underline, and the alert in the left…
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4 answers

RAD Studio 2009 Persistent Selection Issue: Bug or Feature?

Sometimes, when coding in RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi), suddently the behaviour of the code editor changes. After such an event, a selection is no longer cleared on character input. This often happens after a session of very intense coding (many…
Andreas Rejbrand
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4 answers

Visual Studio Code transparent window?

A have a small resolution on my PC so it's not very convenient to work in several tabs at the same time like: open console window, browser, code editor and some other stuff. Console has a very cool feature: a transparent background, so it's very…
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2 answers

How do I package up Github's Atom editor for embedding on a webpage?

Github recently released their Atom editor open-source. Since it's all written in JavaScript, it should be relatively easy to embed. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it runs anywhere except in node and the custom version of Chromium they bundle…
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4 answers

How to load ace editor

I am trying to use the Ace code editor library (, but im having trouble. According to the embedding guide, this should load the required js files from Amazons CDN.
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