Questions tagged [cocos2d-android]

JAVA version for Android development. Cocos2D is an open source framework for building 2D games and graphical applications. Cocos2D-Android and Cocos2D-Android-1 are the two active projects.

Cocos2D for Android is a Java based open source framework for building 2D games and graphical applications. Cocos2D-Android and Cocos2D-Android-1 are the two active projects. The latter is a branch of the former and seems more active.

Both Cocos2D for Android engines are based on the API design of Cocos2D for iPhone, but they are not compatible with each other (Java vs Objective-C).

For more information on the other Cocos2D game engines, see the and tag descriptions.

It is recommended to use the following tags appropriately:

  • Use the tag on questions referring to the Objective-C based framework
  • Use the tag on questions referring to the C++ based cross-platform framework
  • Use the tag on questions referring to the JavaScript based framework
  • Use the tag on questions referring to the Java based frameworks
  • Use the tag on questions referring to the Python based framework
  • Don't use any of the above tags together in the same question, unless your question refers to more than one Cocos2D engine. For example, if you ask "How to port from Cocos2d-iPhone to Cocos2D-x?" you should include both and tags.
393 questions
18 answers

Admob No fill from ad server - failed to load ad: 3

My issue is that ads are not being displayed at all in my app, test mode or not. I am going to keep this question specific to test mode, and once I get that working I will worry about live ads. Development Information I am using Eclipse for…
Vhycko Mayaut
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2 answers

How to do page flip/turn/curl effect in android

Possible Duplicate: Implement page curl on android? How to do page flipping/turning or curl animation in android ? Is is possible with cocos2d. Please provide any links or example if you know.
krunal shah
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6 answers

Adding Endless parallax background in cocos2d android

I am working on CoCos2d with android.I want to add an endless scrolling background to my Screen by using CCParallaxNode. I am able to add background and move it but after the completion of that move action the screen goes black. Can someone help…
Rishabh Bhardwaj
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4 answers

Cocos2d-x vs cocos2d-android for an Android game

After using 'cocos2d-iphone' in one of my projects, I am trying to decide which flavor of Cocos2d I should use for an Android game. My personal list of pros and cons: Cocos2d-x pros: it should be easier to bring the game to iOS later, potentially…
Jason Weiss
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1 answer

Why am I getting an InvocationTargetException? Android 2D game

I am making a 2D game in Android with Cocos2D, written in Java. Here is my code for the main stuff: public void gameLoop(float dt) { //Player Gravity if(canExecuteMovement(0, 6)) { guy.moveY(6); } //Player Movement …
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COCOS 2D screen shot is black in Android

I am using the following code. The image is saved but it is BLACK. Please see my code and tell me where I am doing wrong. I am using this code in the Menu. case Bitmap bmp = SavePixels(0, 0, 800, 400,…
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7 answers

Cocos2D OR libgdx for Android Game Development

I just want to know, that in the long run, using which of these engines will be better. Although I feel that using Cocos2D will be a better option, as it can also be used for iphone development, there's just 1 tutorial…
Saurabh Verma
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1 answer

Want to create a plugin in Cocos2d for my SDK

I have created an SDK, currently its for both Android and iOS. But now i also have to give the support in cocos2d platform. Does any one how to achieve this? I already have working this SDKs working in native. But i am going through the some blogs…
Hardik Chauhan
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1 answer

Difference between cocos2d-android and cocos2d-android-1

Can anybody please explain me what is the difference between cocos2d-android and cocos2d-android-1? What are the functionalities differ between them? And the related details.. I was searching, but not yet get anything appropriate to it..
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1 answer

Compile Error For cocos2dx3.10 android

Cocos2dx v3.10 facing some unusual compiling andoird Cocos :- 3.10 Mac :- 10.11.4 (OSX EL capitan) NDK :- android-ndk-r9d ANT :- apache-ant-1.9.6 Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-15 is larger than android:minSdkVersion 9…
6 answers

Cocos vs AndEngine for android

I want to make a game using Tiled Map Editor and I want to move the character around using a D-Pad for moving the character So I'm wondering which Engine would be better AndEngine or Cocos2d Keep in mind i'm a beginner at this so I'd like to stare…
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2 answers

Compiling cocos2d cannot find module with tag 'libjpeg'

I have installed correctly the Android SDK, Android NDK, eclipse, and I have the last repository's cocos2d from git. I have followed the steps in the wiki to generate a project and I have done correctly. The problem comes when I run…
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1 answer

How can I post the score on the FB / Gmail / etc?

How Can we achieve the functionality of post the score or image on social networking sites or somewhere else ? In android uploading the photos used "Sharing Intent " . What is the way to do the same thing in cocos2d android because I have not seen…
Akarsh M
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1 answer

Cocos2d for android supporting different resolutions

I am trying to build a game and was wondering how would one go about supporting different resolution and screen sizes. For position of sprite I've implemented a basic function which sets the position according to a certain ratio, which I get by…
Parvaz Bhaskar
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3 answers

Cocos2dX, Assets getting deleted on Build or Run (Eclipse Juno, Android C++ project)

Could someone please advise where and how to add assets to an Android Cocos2D-X project. I've tried both just linking the assets to the 'assets folder' in Eclipse as well as physically placing a copy of the assets in the assets folder via file…
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