Questions tagged [clucene]

CLucene is a C++ search engine that is a port of Lucene.

CLucene is a C++ search engine that is a port of Lucene.

25 questions
3 answers

Using CLucene vs java lucene

I am currently using Java lucene for one of the project and getting OK kind of performance. I am looking for C/C++ option for lucene and came across CLucene on sourceforge. But I wanted to check if CLucene is as stable and reliable as Java lucene…
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1 answer

Is it possible to compile and use xapian, clucene or lucy on iOS?

I want to compile and use Xapian with xcode on iOS, is there any one with any experiments on this? Is it possible? Is there any other option for implementing full text search on iOS?I have tried S4luceneLib (in Obj-C) which works but is port of old…
Abbas Mousavi
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0 answers

Simple CLucene example query/search returns no hits

I have what I think should be a very simple CLucene experiment, but it returns no hits. I have two separate programs, CreateIndex and Query. As far as I can tell, CreateIndex builds a viable index file, but Query returns zero hits. OS is Centos…
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2 answers

is CLucene is faster than java lucene?

i am using java lucene and i am moving my code from java to c++ for some reason so i need to know about the performance of clucene can any one explain
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2 answers

How to compile CLucene for iOS?

I am trying to compile CLucene for iOS and running into some problems. Here are the steps I've taken Modify the CLucene CMakeLists.txt to disable multithreading Create a "build-ios" directory in the CLucene source directory Drop the cmake file from…
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1 answer

What is the best way to use Lucene from a Cocoa app?

I'm interested in working with Lucene from a Cocoa application. I'm aware that there are many ways to do this, but my question is, "which way is best?" My investigations so far: LuceneKit is an Objective-C port of Lucene, but is based on a version…
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2 answers

Lucene in Java, C#.Net and C++. Which is the best version for long-term use on Windows server?

I am going to implement Lucene search into my project and I want to make a best start. So I consider between 3 versions of Lucene (Java/C#.Net/C++) which is the best version upon these criterias : 1.performance 2.easy to implement 3.plenty of…
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1 answer

Search index replication

I am developing an application that requires a CLucene index to be created in a desktop application, but replicated for (read-only) searching on iOS devices and efficiently updated when the index is updated. Aside from simply re-downloading the…
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0 answers

How to build a static Clucene library to avoid any linker errors

I work with Windovs and I need to build a static CLucene library. I downloaded the latest source code and build them into Visual Studio 2010 Project through CMake-gui 3.4.3. When building I used a flag BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARIES = true. I successfully…
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1 answer

Using a Qt Help file in an installed app

I develop a Qt application for windows, and the help file was generated in qch format with the qhc collection file. The help was embedded in the application using QHelpEngine. The help files are put in the same folder as the application executable,…
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0 answers

Sphinx and CLucene like indexing/searching engine?

Are there any other indexing/searching engine like sphinx and Clucene? I would like to split my document into several parts and index each part individually for later look-up. any lighter (scalable) engine? Cheers
xijing dai
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1 answer

"More Like This" on CLucene

Currently Java Lucene has feature called “More Like This”, which is used to find representative terms of a document which can be further searched to find similar documents. I looked in latest CLucene code, but could not find this functionality. Is…
khrist safalhai
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2 answers

adding a document to a Lucene index causes crash

i'm trying to index an mp3 file with only one ID3 frame. using CLucene and TagLib. the following code works fine: ... TagLib::MPEG::File file("/home/user/Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus.mp3"); if (file.ID3v2Tag()) { TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList…
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1 answer

Error when Make CLucene

I'm using a MBP OSX(10.9) and is new to CLucene and I'm having problem installing it. Despite following the installation guide closely, I still hit these errors while making the file [ 0%] Building CXX object…
You Hock Tan
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1 answer

Is it advisable to use only Lucene index without Database?

I am developing an iOS application which would consist of approx 600 book each about 90 pages (.pdf docs) in length. The approach I had taken was to place all the text in a database separated into paragraphs, which I then called and displayed. To…
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