Questions tagged [cloudflarestream]

9 questions
0 answers

How to fix authentication error code 10000 in cloudflare

There is problem, i keep encountering in cloudflare. It says - authentication error (code 10000) while logging to my cloudflare dashbord. don't know why that's happen,but i searched for that problem on google,ask cloudflare help center, but did't…
1 answer

Integrating Cloudflare player into angular 7 for Cloudflare stream

I am trying to get cloudflare stream to work in angular. I have tried the solution given here: Angular attribute for HTML stream. However, it is always a hit or a miss: Out of 10 reloads, one loads the player. But anytime I make a change to…
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Woking with Cloudflare direct upload(TUS) with Ruby on Rails

Ruby Version: 2.4.1 Rails Version: 5.2.3 gem installed: "tus-server", "~> 2.3" Hi I am trying to upload a large video file to Cloudflare using TUS protocol. The tus-ruby-server doesn't have sufficient documentation for Cloudflare for me to solve the…
1 answer

How to send allowedorigins and requiresignedurls in Upload-Metadata header?

I’m trying to implement TUS and according to this doc I can send requireSignedUrls and allowedOrigin options in Upload-Metadata header.…
0 answers

Is there a way to set a minimum quality limit to hls-streaming

I'm creating a VOD platform using a techstack existing of React. My videos are hosted using cloudflare-stream and I'm streaming them using hls.js My platform contains movies similar to coursera/udemy. If the quality is low, the content becomes…
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Simple way to load remote json file into Android app ?(video view)

I would like to run this the same way as I do it's Swift counterpart. In the Swift version I'm loading the json into a parser that loads the list in id (highest to lowest) and displays the thumbnail image and title (provided by the json) and when…
0 answers

Is there any way to use a previous version of Cloudflare's JavaScript API

The latest version of Cloudflare's JavaScript API has broken the layout for videos on my website. Does anyone know of a published list of versions, or a way of pointing to a previous…
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Cloudflare Steam video not working in firefox

Hi I have implemented cloudflare stream video service in one of the website I am developing. The video used to play just fine but since the last 2 days it is broken in Firefox. It works fine in Chrome but won’t work in firefox. The console gives…
Rick Roy
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1 answer

Angular attribute for HTML stream

I am trying to add a video from cloudflare stream into my website. The code that cloudflare gives runs in html but when I paste the code in the html component of my angular project. I am getting the error - Error: Template parse errors: …
Rick Roy
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