Questions tagged [cleanse]

Questions pertaining to Square's Cleanse Dependency Injection Framework for Swift

Questions pertaining to Square's Cleanse Dependency Injection Framework for Swift

4 questions
1 answer

Using a C# windows form with MySQL, what is the best way to sanitise the user data.

I have a basic C# windows form that allows the user to update a specific field in our MySQL database from a Windows machine. What is the best way to check the string input values in the C# form in order to alter the string to include backslashes for…
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2 answers

Cleanse build failed on xcode 9

I try to build my legacy code on xcode 9, swift version 3.2 with the Cleanse dependency injector, but the static func configure(binder: Binder) function got the following error: Reference to generic type 'Binder' requires arguments in…
1 answer

Unable to integrate Cleanse in iOS

I am developing my first iOS app and I am trying to integrate Cleanse into my project.I dragged Cleanse.xcodeproj and dropped into an workspace in Xcode.I also added Cleanse.framework as a target dependency and embedded it. However, I get the…
Jaseem Abbas
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1 answer

Swift can't find method guaranteed by protocol

I'm trying to come up with a way to reduce boilerplate-code for dependency injection with Cleanse into ViewControllers. However, absolutely stuck here inside my type-erasure class for the Cleanse.Component boilerplate. What am I doing…
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