Questions tagged [clarity]

Clarity can refer to three products: CA Clarity™ PPM is a Project and Portfolio Management tool. VMware's Clarity is an extensible product-based framework for building clean, crisp, and modern web apps. Blockstack's Clarity is a Smart Contract language used to run contracts on the Stacks 2.0 blockchain.

CA Clarity™ PPM helps to Connect Strategy to Execution

  • Strategic agility– Portfolio Management gives you dynamic 'what if' and change impact analysis.
  • Improved forecasting– Financial management and budgeting keeps forecasts in line with actuals.
  • Staff utilization– Resource management ensures you have the skills and people to meet increased demand.
  • Better data– Mobile time-tracking improves the quality and accuracy of time-entry and approvals.
  • Greater insights– Role-based views and reporting makes it easier to communicate with stakeholder teams.
  • Highly configurable– Works the way you work, with flexible methodologies and Certified Stage-Gate™ processes, plus PMBOK®, PRINCE2® and support for Agile Scrum and Kanban.
  • A world class user experience— The most robust, comprehensive PPM tool available. Our customers find it intuitive, easy to use and easy to like.

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VMware Clarity Design System

Clarity is VMware’s extensible product-based framework for building clean, crisp, and modern apps. Clarity provides designers and developers with a library of patterns, components, and robust tools, making it easy to rapidly prototype and build beautiful and functional apps in HTML, CSS, and Angular.

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BlockStack's Clarity Language

Clarity is a programming language for writing smart contracts on the Stacks 2.0 blockchain. It supports programmatic control over digital assets.

Clarity differs from most other smart contract languages in two essential ways:

  • The language is interpreted and broadcasted on the blockchain as is (not compiled)
  • The language is decidable (not Turing complete)

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112 questions
3 answers

Why everything in WPF is blurry?

Can someone explain why everything in WPF is blurry? Is this something that can be fixed?
8 answers

Is it better to use out for multiple output values or return a combined value type?

For instance, along the lines of: public bool Intersect (Ray ray, out float distance, out Vector3 normal) { } vs public IntersectResult Intersect (Ray ray) { } public class IntersectResult { public bool Intersects {get;set;} public float…
Joan Venge
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1 answer

Opening a Clarity Signpost does not emit its state

I am using the Clarity Signposts and need its state (whether its open or closed). I am using the *clrIfOpen structural directive and have assigned it the isOpen variable. isOpen is false initially but should update to true when the Signpost is…
Juan Mendes
  • 80,964
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2 answers

Declaring a number in Python. Possible to emphasize thousand?

Is it possible to declare a number in Python as a = 35_000 a = 35,000 Neither seem to work of course. How do you emphasize things like these, for clarity in Python? Is it possible?
James Raitsev
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1 answer

How to properly use the vmware clarity sidenav?

I'm trying to get the VMware Clarity UI sidenav properly working, and would love a solid example. I am using the clarity-seed project and inside of app.component.html I have the default sub-nave they provide:
7 answers

PHP best practices: repass variables from config file when calling functions or use global?

I have a program that I use on several sites. It uses require('config.php'); to set any site dependant variables like mysql connect info, paths, etc. Let's say that I use one of these site-dependant variables in a function, like $backup_path. This…
Andrew Swift
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8 answers

Check if variable null before assign to null?

Is variable assignment expensive compared to a null check? For example, is it worth checking that foo is not null before assigning it null? if (foo != null) { foo = null; } Or is this worrying about nothing?
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1 answer

How to set shape attribute of clr-icon

I am using . I would like to make its shape dynamic. If I specify it throws an error shape is not a known property of clr-icon
Juan Mendes
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2 answers

How can I disable check box that is part of Clarity datagrid?

I use Clarity datagrid and I need to disable the checkbox selection under some conditions. I can't find API to do so. Please help and thanks.
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2 answers

How to change the VMware Clarity Design System brand icon size

I'm playing around with the VMware Clarity Design System UI ( and am running their seed application. I'm trying to replace their brand icon with my own, but it's a different size. I'm noticing that the icon…
2 answers

Building an Angular 2 App with Clarity Design System

I'm getting this error after adding Clarity Design System from their official tutorial to angular 2 5min quickstart . The error in browser's console doesn't help too much, any advice please? zone.js:1382 GET http://localhost:3000/clarity-angular…
Igor D.
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5 answers

Ideas / best practices for controlling verbosity in matlab functions

Let's say I have some_fun that does some complicated work. function foo = some_complicated_fun(x,y,z,verbosity) I've written a good bit of debugging prints into this code, but the avg user may not be interested in seeing all that if it is working.…
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1 answer

Clarity + Angular6: Tree View Node Listener (clr-tree-node)

I'm trying to track changes made to the tree nodes data source. Each node has a selected property which reflects the node selection status, every time I select a node, I need to emit the selection to another component, which will build another tree…
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1 answer

Clarity: Is there a recommended way to make clr-datagrid take up all available vertical space?

I am trying to make my take up all vertical space even if there are no rows in the table yet. Is clr-datagrid customizable to do so? It seems like I have to manually override flexbox properties of .datagrid-host and .datagrid-overlay-wrapper in…
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3 answers

Clarity Design Tree View Recursive Issue

I have started using the Clarity Design Angular project and have run into an issue with the Tree View recursive template that was provided in the 0.10.0-alpha. selectableRoot = { "@name":…
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