Questions tagged [ckeditor5]

CKEditor 5 is a set of ready-to-use rich text editors created with a powerful framework that enables you to create any kind of text editing solution and include real-time collaborative editing inside. Use this tag for any CKEditor 5 related questions. Use the "ckeditor4.x" tag for questions about CKEditor 4.

CKEditor 5 is a set of ready-to-use rich text editors created with a powerful framework that enables you to create any kind of text editing solution and include real-time collaborative editing inside.

CKEditor 5 is written in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and it uses a custom data model with a virtual DOM. Thanks to implementing Operational Transformation it is real-time collaboration-ready. Its plugin-based, modular architecture and schema-less core make it highly extensible and flexible. It has a beautiful UI that you can easily customize to fit your needs.

CKEditor 5 is distributed as ready-to-use builds which you can install from npm, download as .zip packages or load from the CDN. Every "build" provides a single type of editor with a set of features and a default configuration. CKEditor 5 Builds allow you to quickly and easily initialize one of the many types of editors in your application.

At the same time, CKEditor 5 is also a framework for creating custom-made rich text editing solutions. You can customize the existing builds or build your own editors and features by using the CKEditor 5 Framework.

Asking questions

When posting a new question, please mention your specific version, build and plugins used.

Note: As a product, CKEditor 5 is a successor of , (and earlier, ), but it has been redesigned from the grounds up, with a different architecture, so there is no direct upgrade path. Read more about migration.


739 questions
20 answers

How to set the height of CKEditor 5 (Classic Editor)

In CKEditor 4 to change the editor height there was a configuration option: config.height. How do I change the height of CKEditor 5? (the Classic Editor)
Wiktor Walc
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2 answers

CKEditor 5 - How to insert some HTML (aka. where's the source mode)?

I want to be able to switch from WYSIWYG to plain HTML to e.g. insert IFrame with a Youtube video. So far with the standard CKEditor 5 builds there is no documentation on how to do that. Is there an equivalent of the Source Editing Area plugin but…
Marek Urbanowicz
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6 answers

How to enable image upload support in CKEditor 5?

I will use the ckeditor v5 into my project. I´ve trying to use the image plugin, but I don´t find enough informations about it. If you see the Demoe here, you easily upload images with Drag&Drop. But when I will try it with the download ballon zip…
Lukas Gund
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7 answers

How do I get toolbar available items in CKEDITOR 5?

I wanted to configure the toolbar in CKEDITOR 5. I took a look at the documentation. Yet, the only script related to my question is: Array.from(…
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2 answers

Stop operation in change()

Is there a way to stop an remove operation in model.document.on('change') ? I listen to change with this code: model.document.on('change',(eventInfo,batch) => { // My code here. } And it works fine, in so far as I do get and can inspect all…
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3 answers

CKEditorError: ckeditor-duplicated-modules: Some CKEditor 5 modules are duplicated

import CKEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react'; import ClassicEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic'; import Base64UploadAdapter from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload/src/adapters/base64uploadadapter'; Getting ckeditor 5 duplicate modules…
Mr. Chhatrola
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6 answers

How to do CKEditor 5 Image Uploading?

ClassicEditor .create( editorElement, { ckfinder: { uploadUrl: 'my_server_url' } } ) .then( ... ) .catch( ... ); What should be my server response? I am using Java in the backend. Whatever my response is,…
Palaniappan RM
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2 answers

How to get data from CKEditor 5 instance

I know that for CKEditor 4, you can get the textarea data like this: var content = CKEDITOR.instances['comment'].getData(); How is this done for CKEditor 5?
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2 answers

Listen to event fired when the content has changed in CKEditor 5

How can I listen to the "input" event in ckeditor5 ? I would like to be able to use Observables like this: Observable.fromEvent(this.editor, "input").debounceTime(250).subscribe(() => {}); So far, I've been able to listen to some events like…
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1 answer

Getting xml from ckeditor 5

How do I get the output from ckeditor as XML instead of HTML? I thought I could just use XmlDataProcessor(); but that only seems to work for input where the editor now requires XML when calling editor.setData() but…
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5 answers

Upload adapter is not defined Issue with Image uploading in ckeditor5-angular

This question may have already answers but none of them is Angular specific. Here are some of them CKEditor 5 and Image Button How to enable image upload support in CKEditor 5? Insert image to CKeditor I am using Angular 5 and following this…
Adnan Sheikh
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2 answers

Multiple textareas with CKEditor 5

I try to set CKEditor 5 to more than one