Questions tagged [cifilter]

A tag for the CIFilter class, part of the Mac OS X Cocoa framework and of the Cocoa Touch framework since iOS 5.0.

A tag for the CIFilter class, part of the Mac OS X Cocoa framework.

From the Apple docs:

The CIFilter class produces a CIImage object as output. Typically, a filter takes one or more images as input. Some filters, however, generate an image based on other types of input parameters. The parameters of a CIFilter object are set and retrieved through the use of key-value pairs.

475 questions
1 answer

Interpret XMP-Metadata in ALAssetRepresentation

When a user makes some changes (cropping, red-eye removal, ...) to photos in the built-in on iOS, the changes are not applied to the fullResolutionImage returned by the corresponding ALAssetRepresentation. However, the changes are…
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6 answers

Creating a blur effect in iOS7

I have been searching for an answer to this question in a few hours now, and I just can't figure it out. I want to add a gaussian blur effect to the image when i press the button "Button". The user is the one that is adding the image. I have…
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11 answers

How to blur an existing image in a UIImageView with Swift?

The setup is simple. A ViewController with UIImageView that has an image assigned. A UIButton that when clicked blurs the image in the UIImageView. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var bg:…
Mark Moeykens
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2 answers

Add glowing effect to an SKSpriteNode

I have a moving black image on a dark screen, to make it easier to see I would like to add in a white glow to the image. This is my code for the moving image: Ghost = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Ghost1") Ghost.size = CGSize(width: 50, height:…
Oren Edrich
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1 answer

Adding CIFilter to CALayer under Mavericks?

so this is the standard way of adding filter to a layer: NSView *view = self.window.contentView; view.wantsLayer = YES; CATextLayer *textLayer = [CATextLayer layer]; textLayer.frame = CGRectMake(10.0, 10.0, 200.0, 100.0); textLayer.string =…
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3 answers

UIImageJPEGRepresentation returns nil

I'm using CIFilters to convert an image to grayscale and apply some image processing effects. Displaying the output in a UIImageView works; the image displays and has been modified as expected. However, calling UIImageJPEGRepresentation appears to…
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1 answer

Applying a CIFilter to a Video File and Saving it

Is there any fast, lightweight-as-possible way to apply a CIFilter to a video? Before it's mentioned, I have looked at GPUImage - it looks like very powerful magic code, but it's really overkill for what I'm trying to do. Essentially, I would like…
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0 answers

What settings do I use to capture a RAW in iOS without noise reduction but otherwise looking identical to BGRA?

We can either ask AVFoundation to capture a photo in a processed format like BGRA, or ask it to capture a RAW and then process it to BGRA using Core Image. The latter lets us control the parameters used in the process rather than leaving it to the…
Kartick Vaddadi
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0 answers

CIDepthBlurEffect rendering issue on iOS 12

I have following that works fine on iOS 11: let ciContext = CIContext(options: [kCIContextWorkingFormat : kCIFormatRGBAh]) var outputImage : CIImage let mainImage = CIImage(data: jpegData) let disparityImage = CIImage(data:…
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3 answers

Core Image filter CISourceOverCompositing not appearing as expected with alpha overlay

I’m using CISourceOverCompositing to overlay text on top of an image and I’m getting unexpected results when the text image is not fully opaque. Dark colors are not dark enough and light colors are too light in the output image. I recreated the…
Jordan H
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1 answer

CIFilter: Blend different size images

I'm using CISourceOverCompositing to blend two images. It works ok with same size images with this code: CIFIlter *filter1 = [CIFilter filterWithName: @"CISourceOverCompositing"]; [filter1 setDefaults]; [filter1 setValue: imageForeground forKey:…
Ferran T.
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1 answer

How to output a CIFilter to a Camera view?

I'm just starting out in Objective-C and I'm trying to create a simple app where it shows the camera view with a blur effect on it. I got the Camera output working with the AVFoundation framework. Now, I'm trying to hook up the Core image framework…
Renz Tan
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1 answer

How-to generate a QR code with the logo in the middle using CIQRCodeGenerator

I am trying to generate a QR code that has a logo in the middle, as it is: . I am using a code I found here, my code is: func generateQrCode(message: String!) -> CIImage! { var data = message.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding,…
Rodrigo Moreno
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3 answers

How do you change the Back and Foreground Color of a CIFilter CIQRCodeGenerator Filter

I'm trying to make a QR Code Generator for OS X but i haven't had succession in making a QRCode that can be more colourful that the black and white ones I'm using the CIQRCodeGenerator for the CIImage Filters how would i make this work I've got a…
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2 answers

CITemperatureAndTint for image in iOS

Is there any sample code or example for CITemperatureAndTint? I have read its documentation but i need some example to implement it.
Prerna chavan
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