Questions tagged [chrome-web-driver]

WebDriver is an open source tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers. It provides capabilities for navigating to web pages, user input, JavaScript execution, and more. ChromeDriver is a standalone server which implements WebDriver's wire protocol for Chromium. It is being developed by members of the Chromium and WebDriver teams.

WebDriver is an open source tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers. It provides capabilities for navigating to web pages, user input, JavaScript execution, and more. ChromeDriver is a standalone server which implements WebDriver's wire protocol for Chromium. It is being developed by members of the Chromium and WebDriver teams.

175 questions
4 answers

Error "cannot find Chrome binary" in windows 8 AMD64 while trying to launch selenium web-driver API

I'm currently working with Chrome extension of selenium web-driver in windows 8 AMD64. I got an issue launching Chrome; It gives me this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/java/code/SVN/OMC/trunk/Test/Scripts/PMS\elements\",…
1 answer

How to HttpGet a url using ChromeDriver in c#

I am using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome ChromeDriver for automating the browser changes. As per the application, The URL will only send a response when is the user is login in into the browser, otherwise, it will return 400 Error I need to identify…
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Selenium webdriver error:Timed out waiting for driver server to start

Error log:- Starting ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.106 (f68069574609230cf9b635cd784cfb1bf81bb53a-refs/branch-heads/3987@{#882}) on port 37282 Only local connections are allowed. Please protect ports used by ChromeDriver and related test frameworks…
1 answer

I'm trying to start the chrome webdriver on linux, but it hangs, then closes

I'm making a program with selenium (python). It was working, and out of nowhere, the webdriver no longer works. I'm developing on a windows environment (and it works fine), but once I upload the code to the production server (Ubuntu), I try to open…
1 answer

How to select a local file for a file upload with python and selenium

I have been writing the script to fill a form using Selenium with Python. I would like to attach an image file to it. So when I reach the button to upload the file and click it, I no longer can use Selenium to find the element. I need to figure out…
Optimal Myk
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addEventListener handler function not returning all attributes of the event object for mouse click event

The below code snippet is written using C# code in a normal UnitTest project template of Visual Studio. I have added the Selenium web driver support dlls by adding 2 NuGet packages : Selenium WebDriver Support classes and Selenium WebDriver. Then…
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3 answers

WebDriver get text

I use WebDriver and ChromeDriver. How i can fetch text from this speech bubble: [] And code this speech bubble from website: Thank you for your help!
1 answer

Selenium webdriver - how do I hit the X button to stop the pageload?

Is there a command in the WebDriver API to stop the page load? I have a situation where the page takes forever to load, even though all the stuff I want is there. I just want to simulate manually hitting the X button next to the URL bar in order…
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InvalidSelectorException when selecting XPath button with Selenium

I built a class to validate the submission of tweets to Twitter. Whenever I attempt to hit the submit button, I get an InvalidSelectorException. It seems to have a perfectly reasonable xpath, taking the form of xpath=(//button[@type='button'])[17],…
Martin Erlic
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3 answers

How to verify an invisible element on the Web Page

I am testing a link using webdriver, but i am not able to locate where that link(element) is there on the webpage. How to detect that where the given element is present on the webpage? Can anybody help?
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