Questions tagged [chrome-web-driver]

WebDriver is an open source tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers. It provides capabilities for navigating to web pages, user input, JavaScript execution, and more. ChromeDriver is a standalone server which implements WebDriver's wire protocol for Chromium. It is being developed by members of the Chromium and WebDriver teams.

WebDriver is an open source tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers. It provides capabilities for navigating to web pages, user input, JavaScript execution, and more. ChromeDriver is a standalone server which implements WebDriver's wire protocol for Chromium. It is being developed by members of the Chromium and WebDriver teams.

175 questions
2 answers

why selenium try to connect to localhost at "X" port

I am new to selenium, Trying out following File f = new File("/usr/bin/google-chrome"); System.setProperty("", f.getAbsolutePath()); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); //wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,…
Siva Kumar
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gulp-protractor error with chrome v54 / web driver v2.25

Due to the latest update of chrome (v54) we've noticed our protractor tests failing. We attempted to update to the latest version of gulp-protractor (v3.0.0) which in turn downloads the latest web driver (v2.25) to resolve the issue but…
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Unable to find class within a class capybara

My html code is : I tried: 1. find(:xpath, "//span[@class='sr-only']").click 2.…
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run a while loop untill a css selector is present on web page

I need to run this loop until ".loadMore" css selector is present on webpage: while ec.presence_of_element_located('.loadMore'): element_number = 25 * i wait = WebDriverWait(driver, time1); sub_button = (by, hook +…
nishant kumar
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Chrome webdriver in selenium wont connect to proxy

I've bound port 3003 on my local machine to a remote server ssh user@remoteserver -D 3003 And in my python script from selenium import webdriver chrome_options =…
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How can I configure Chimp to open a browser with given width and height?

Recently I started with Chimp and my test suite is growing. I want to implement a feature that I need to run on a mobile viewport specifically (e.g. to test Hamburger menu). I tag such a scenario with the @mobile tag. Chimp is by default running in…
0 answers

Finding the certificate thumbprint for a particular website on Chrome through Selenium WebDriver?

Let's say I open a particular website on Chrome through Selenium - I can view the certificate thumbprint for this website manually. But is it possible to get hold of this thumbprint thru any webdriver apis? Or programatically how…
2 answers

Unable to select value from dropbox list in Selenium

I'm trying to select a value from a dropbox. I have tried with XPath and ID but seem unable to reach it This is what I tried var mySelectElm4 = driver.FindElement(By.Id("ddlCountryOfBirth")); var mySelect4 = new…
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I have a code base which is deployed in a server where I don't have any access other than uploading war file. I have tested the application using apache tomcat 7 locally and it works perfectly. I have a code in JAVA which triggers a remote web…
1 answer

Connection pool for selenium in python

Running selenium tests in python and chrome. Between each test, it logs that its creating a new http connection. Is it possible to create a connection pool so that a new one isn't created for each test?
2 answers

Check if external resources are being loaded by webdriver

In Chrome, I can open up the developer console and switch to the network tab to see what resources are being loaded and how long each one has taken. Is there anyway to access similar information from Chrome webdriver or selenium?
Ben McCann
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What is the most reliable .net selenium web driver?

In using .net selenium webdrivers, I have been stumbling in 2 main issues, each for a different specific webdriver. The table below shows the issues Chrome and Firefox webdrivers have been falling short with me: I am using RellYa's selenium jquery…
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populate dropdown box in Jmeter using google chrome web driver

I'm struggling to populate a dropdown I can get it to select it but unsure on what to do to select the value: var TitleField = WDS.browser.findElement('Title')) TitleField.sendKeys(['Mr']) I've seen some articles and it…
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Testing Chrome using Selenium-WebDriver while offline in C#

I am using Chrome, and I would like to be able to run automation tests in C# that tests while the application is offline (I am testing a mobile app with PhoneGap), and later on get online to complete the tests. Is it possible using WebDriver in…
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Protractor: Unable to execute e2e testcases [http://localhost:3000 is not available] in Webstorm 8

I am trying to execute e2e in webstorm 8. I have configured node.js as per the instructions given at How to debug angular protractor tests in WebStorm Following are the configuration details - Node interpreter: C:\Program…
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