Questions tagged [childwindow]

231 questions
6 answers

Using MVVM in WPF, should I launch child windows from View code behind, or ViewModel?

I've been puzzled by this for a while. I am writing quite a large RibbonWindow WPF application using the MVVM pattern. The screen has a RibbonBar menu along the top and the rest of it displays the various Views. Some Views contain other Views and…
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Angular component in a Browser's child window

From an Angular application is there any way that I can create a Browser's child window and show some predefined angular component in it. Clarification : I am not looking for a Modal dialog solution.
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Silverlight ChildWindow for WPF

is it possible to make a ChildWindow like ChildWindow in Silverlight, but for WPF? I tried to adapt the Silverlight ChildWindow to WPF but ran into issues with Transformations and not being able to set the Popup's Parent. I'm trying to make…
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using MVVM light messenger with Silverlight 4 ChildWindow dialog class

Greetings! Am enjoying using MVVM light -great framework - has made my life much easier, and has removed a number of barriers that were proving difficult to overcome.... Question: I am attempting to setup a custom dialog box for editing messages…
8 answers

How to close a ChildWindow with Cancel button using MVVM Light Toolkit

I'm new to MVVM and trying to figure out how to close a ChildWindow with the traditional Cancel button using MVVM Light Toolkit. In my ChildWindow (StoreDetail.xaml), I have :
1 answer

Win32 Capturing child Window messages in parent window

In my Win32 application, a child window is created by a third party SDK.The Window creation process is transparent and I cannot associate a WndProc method with the child Window. I want to be able to capture child window messages in parent window.…
Farooq Zaman
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WPF window position

I have asked a question before about creating a child window here ... Now when I open child window, it doesn`t open centered to the parent window. How can I set it to open centered to the parent window?
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Silverlight Confirm Dialog to Pause Thread

I'm trying to do a confirmation dialog using Silverlight's ChildWindow object. Ideally, I'd like it to work like MessageBox.Show(), where the entire application halts until an input is received from the user. For example: for (int i = 0; i < 5;…
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WPF Child window hosted in third-party application invisible on Windows 7 Aero themes

I have a WPF window which has to behave as an overlay of a window in a third-party running application. My WPF window must be mostly transparent with some visible controls, always be positioned right on top of the other window in the z-order, move…
Udi Bar-On
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1 answer

Allow views in childWindow to become key without losing focus on parentWindow

I added a childWindow of a custom subclass of NSWindow to a parentWindow (also a custom subclass of NSWindow). The childWindow has the NSBorderlessWindowMask and canBecomeKeyWindow: is overridden to return YES and canBecomeMainWindow: to return…
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3 answers

Removing the default MDI menu of a MDI Container form when a MDI Child is maximized

I am working on a .NET C# application that has a main Form which is MDI container. When the user maximizes a MDI child, Windows draws a control strip right under the title bar of the container Form which has the Icon of the child and the system…
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2 answers

C# WPF child window (about window)

I have an application on C#/WPF that I`m developing ... I have a btn named About which should open a new window that contains details about the application or whatever I will put in it. When I click the btn, a new window (about) opens, when I click…
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2 answers

How do I get the active ChildWindow of an application?

I want to send a pressKey event to a certain application which is not the active application IN Windows so I have to use the sendMessage/postMessage api calls. However, I need to know the exact child window that is active IN the application and send…
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2 answers

Child window Problem in C++

I'm having a problem in my program whenever I close the child window, the main window also exits. I am a newbie in this programming. The Correct Code: /** @file MainWindow.cpp @author Andro Bondoc @date 2011-02-11 */ /** @file…
1 answer

delphi how to prevent a MDI child from being maximized?

in delphi mdi application there is need to show a child window with its caption in Mainform client area when maximize button is pressed using Win32Check(Windows.GetClientRect(ClientHandle, aTRect)); MDIChild1.BoundsRect := aTRect; functions. So,…
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