Questions tagged [child-actions]

32 questions
2 answers

Does a child action share the same ViewBag with its "parents" action?

I am confused with this: I have an action ,say Parent ,and in the corresponding view file ,I have called a child action ,say Child ,both Parent and Child actions are in the same controller. and I need the Child action and the Parent action to share…
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How can I tell if my action is being called by RenderAction?

I have an action that could potentially be called via a normal link, in which case I'd return a View(), or it could also be called via AJAX or RenderAction (ie as a Child Action) in which case I'd return a PartialView(). Sorting out the AJAX part is…
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ASP .Net MVC 3: Child Action and Redirect

I need to display the registration form and login form on the home page. If validation fails on these two forms, I need to display proper errors on the home page. But if there was no error, the user must be redirected to the secured Dashboard. To…
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MVC3 Why do I get "Child actions are not allowed to perform redirect actions" error?

I got an action List //[HttpGet] (will come back to that!) public ViewResult List(int page = 1) { //blah blah blah return View(viewModel); } In its view we render action: @{ …
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Posting data back to ASP.NET MVC child actions

Since we can compose a single view from a main view + a partial view (e.g. using RenderAction, specifying a child controller), is it possible for input rendered by the child action to be directed to the child controller while input rendered by the…
Craig Boland
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ASP.NET MVC3 Html.Action containing a form

I have a pod on my page that contains a form. I have used this pod in a similar way to the following: @Html.Action("Pod","Home") There is some business rule checking in the Pod's HttpPost action which handles the form post. If this business rule…
Rob Stevenson-Leggett
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3 answers

MVC OutputCache for Child Actions: where is it stored?

I'm using OutputCache for caching an horizontal menu and a vertical menu in my app. I usually use something like this in the actions I want to be cached [OutputCache(Duration=3600, VaryByParam="none", Location=OutputCacheLocation.Client,…
1 answer

Asp.Net mvc nested actions HTTPPOST

i ve got a weird problem. My view : @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; }


@using(Html.BeginForm()) { } @Html.Action("Index2") My Controller: public class DefaultController : Controller { // …
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Pass data to child action's view

I have multiple views which call the same child action, which renders a view. Depending on which view calls the child action, I want to display a different message in the childview. But since I don't need this view inside the child action's…
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Using Azure Redis Caching for ChildAction in MVC 5

I have successfully implemented Azure Redis Cache using the Microsoft RedisOutputCacheProvider which works as expected for general pages. However, I can't seem to get it to work for child actions, it always use the default OutputCacheProvider. How…
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Caching in ASP.NET MVC with uncachable forms

I'm doing donut caching with the MVCDonutCaching library. Background to donut caching using this library: The way it works, is you can cache a view, but exclude part of it from being cached, i.e. the "donut hole". You do this by having the…
h bob
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1 answer

Azure Redis Cache and MVC Child Actions

I have successfully implemented Azure Redis Cache using the Microsoft RedisOutputCacheProvider from NuGet which works as expected for general pages. [ChildActionOnly] [ChildActionOutputCache(CacheProfile.StaticQueryStringComponent)] public…
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Handling Errors in MVC Child Actions

My error handling collects (some manually, some automatically) the errors produced during controller execution. Then I have a partial view which renders out the error messages. I store the error messages in ViewData (and transfer them to TempData…
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ASP.NET MVC3: 2 forms on page, submit triggers the wrong one

I have 2 forms on the same page. One is a form in a partial view which is rendered via a child action we'll call this PodForm. The second is rendered by the current action. So my code looks a little like this (please ignore names etc, this is…
Rob Stevenson-Leggett
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2 answers

MVC Component with postback

I am trying to build a set of MVC components which can be easily reused with various settings. They are built and used as child actions, because I need them to be able to make partial postback to themselves without the knowledge of the other content…
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