Questions tagged [cellular-automata]

A cellular automaton is a discrete model studied in computability theory.

By wikipedia,

A cellular automaton is a discrete model studied in computability theory, mathematics, physics, complexity science, theoretical biology and microstructure modeling.

A cellular automaton consists of a regular grid of cells, each in one of a finite number of states, such as on and off (in contrast to a coupled map lattice)

189 questions
12 answers

Wolfram's Rule 34 in XKCD

The hover "joke" in #505 xkcd touts "I call rule 34 on Wolfram's Rule 34". I know what rule 34 is in Internet terms and I've googled up who Wolfram is but I'm having a hard time figuring out what Wolfram's Rule 34 is. So what exactly is this "Rule…
Joe Zack
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2 answers

another Game of Life question (infinite grid)?

I have been playing around with Conway's Game of life and recently discovered some amazingly fast implementations such as Hashlife and Golly. (download Golly here - One thing that I cant get my head around is how do…
10 answers

Algorithms for Simulating Fluid Flow

I've got a game idea that requires some semi-realistic simulation of a fluid flowing around various objects. Think of a pool of mercury on an irregular surface that is being tilted in various directions. This is for a game, so 100% physical realism…
Kristopher Johnson
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3 answers

What is the cellular automaton shown as loading screen on Wolfram Alpha?

When entering a query in Wolfram Alpha you usually see an animation shown for a couple of seconds before the result is displayed. It seems to be a cellular automaton with 3 distinctive states. I would like to know what this particular automaton is…
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7 answers

How to create a nested array of arbitrary depth in java?

I am trying to create an array of arrays of arrays etc..., except I don't know how many nested levels deep it needs to be until runtime. Depending on the input, I might need either int[], int[][], int[][][][][][], or anything else. (For context, I…
T Locks
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9 answers

Game of life : how to have "entities" to evolve in parallel?

Ok the title is not clear, here is what I mean. I am programming some kind of game (like the game of life). For example, there are animals (each animal is a Java instance of a class). All these animals are on a map, and all this "world" evolves each…
Matthieu Napoli
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0 answers

Water in a falling sand simulation

I am currently working on a very simple 'Falling Sand' simulation game in C++ and SDL2, and am having problems with getting water to flow in a more realistic manner. I basically have a grid of cells that I iterate through bottom-to-top,…
2 answers

How does this implementation of turing-complete Rule 110 in HTML5+CSS3 work?

This morning, I came across the following implementation of Rule 110 in pure HTML5 + CSS3 (no javascript). You press tab and space in sequence to run the automaton. I looked at the source code, but I really can't…
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1 answer

Simulating a cellular automata using VIM mappings?

Having nothing better to do, I've learned that if you open the following text on…
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2 answers

Julia / Cellular Automata: efficient way to get neighborhood

I'd like to implement a cellular automaton (CA) in Julia. Dimensions should be wrapped, this means: the left neighbor of the leftmost cell is the rightmost cell etc. One crucial question is: how to get the neighbors of one cell to compute it's state…
3 answers

Iterate through 2d array of booleans and leave only the largest contiguous "2D blob of ones"

Ok, so the question is kind of awkwardly phrased, but I hope this will clear things up. I have this sample 2d array. $array = array( array(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1), array(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), array(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,…
1 answer

C# Iterating an If statement with new value each time

Is it possible to iterate nested if statements with a new value with every single iteration? I am trying to build a 1-dimensional cellular automata (for homework, I cannot deny it) and I'm completely new to C# as the following code will no doubt…
3 answers

Drawing a grid in javascript ( game of life, for example )

Essentially, I had this idea in my head for a sort of evolution simulator, not exactly like Conways Game of Life, but the one part where they do match is that they will both be based on a square grid. Now, personally, I like working in…
Rohit Nair
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1 answer

Flip an array of Cellular Automata data into a music score (like WolframTones)

Ok, so using some basic principles of Cellular Automata, I've managed to get a program running which generates a set of data calculated from rules. Each cell is a boolean. Currently I am storing it as so - boolean[][] data - where the first index…
1 answer

What is the network analog of a recursive function?

This is an ambitious question from a Wolfram Science Conference: Is there such a thing as a network analog of a recursive function? Maybe a kind of iterative "map-reduce" pattern? If we add interaction to iteration, things become complicated:…
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