Questions tagged [camera-roll]

157 questions
3 answers

Creating my own Image Picker

I'd like to create a custom image browser in my app that uses the images from the camera roll. i.e. I'd like to completely replace UIImagePickerController and use my own control. Is there a way of accessing the camera roll photos in this…
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How can I improve performance of this React Native code?

I am working on React Native app of mine and I have a screen where I am using RN Cameraroll and getting all of the images and allow user to select n number of images. I am marking images that are selected by user and marking them in order. When I…
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Picture metadata is lost after using

I am using RNCamera to take pictures and write metadata in it , the only problem is that RNCamera saves the pictures in the app cache . so i used react-native-community/cameraroll library to save the taken picture to the cameraRoll , the main…
0 answers

RN CameraRoll gives uri as ph: //

Faced such a problem, I get a video using CameraRoll in order to later transfer this file to FFMpeg, but the problem arises in the fact that the path to the file is on ios using the ph protocol. How to be in this situation? How do I get real access…
0 answers

Create Album with React Native CameraRoll

With ReactNative CameraRoll, you can save a photo/video to an existing album on your device's camera roll. Is there a way to create the album, if it does not yet exist, before saving to it?
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React Native FS readFile returns invalid path for iOS

I have the functionality to readFile using RNFS library and CameraRoll of React Native. Here is my code below: const base64Image = await RNFS.readFile(uri, 'base64'); It's working fine for Android but not in iOS. Here is the error for iOS…
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1 answer

Opening a file with a PHAsset URI from a Webview

From the camera roll, I get a list of URIs in the ph://xxxxx format. If I use these URIs in Image or ImageBackground components everything works as expected. I want to show these photos in a webview. Adding to the html an img tag with that kind of…
0 answers

How to call iOS photos library from Rust?

I'm interested in doing some low level programming of Rust and React-Native, this tweet by Jared Sumner peaked my interested. So basically he used the JSI to do a c++ implementation and apparently the results are much much faster than the regular…
Oscar Franco
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React Native: Error decoding image data from CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll

I'm getting a warning sign, saying Possible: Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Error decoding image data This is my code. for (let media of mediaArray) { await CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll( 'https://someurl.mp4', ); } I was able to…
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CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll is not a function(Expo)

I am trying to store images which are taken using React Native Camera library to Gallery on my Expo project. When the user presses a button the following function gets triggered: download = async (imageRef) => { try { let result = await…
Viktor Belashov
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1 answer

Receiving notifications from default notification center while app in background

In my app, I'm fetching the content of camera-roll with fetchAssets(with:). To receive change messages, I've registered my observer with the photo library’s register(_:) method. My observer is comforting to the PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver protocol.…
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1 answer

How Expo(React Native) can access gallery and external storage without CAMERA_ROLL permission?

I have a terrible question.. I hope there is anyone who know this problem.. In EXPO App which is a wrapper API for React Native, How can Expo Image picker example app can access Gallery(external storage) without requesting any external storage…
1 answer

How to get list of local videos and display them in grid format in React Native?

I am trying to do something similar to what Instagram has for their select video screen. Where a grid of local videos that can be uploaded and it'll kind of 'preview' the one that is currently selected above the grid itself. I'm using the…
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2 answers

Get filename from CameraRoll.getPhotos() [React Native IOS]

How do I get the filename from CameraRoll.getPhotos() ? CameraRoll.getPhotos({ first: 1000000, assetType: "All", groupTypes: "All" }) .then(res => { console.log(res) }) I can get the file uri and file type but not filename . I mean there is…
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1 answer

React Native, storing images in users gallery without compression

I am developing an App that verifies images based on their hash. I hash the images using this library "react-native-fetch-blob". I store all the images taken inside the app, I am trying to allow users to be able to share the original uncompressed…