Questions tagged [calabash-ios]

Calabash iOS is an automated acceptance testing framework for iOS native and hybrid applications.

is an automated acceptance testing framework for native and hybrid applications.



  • MacOS 10.9 or 10.10
  • Xcode 5.1.1 - Xcode 6.3
  • ruby 1.9.3 - 2.2.+


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211 questions
5 answers

For mobile automation what are the advantages of Appium VS Calabash and of Calabash VS Appium?

I have used Appium in Mobile automation with IOS and Android. I wanted to know about advantages that offers Calabash and if there are common point in generated scripts of both tools? I have followed this link : Appium VS Calabash
Emna Ayadi
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1 answer

Running Cucumber on device, app immediately crashes, error: "Error while writing to fifo. RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError"

So I started building my local iOS device environment. I have got my Simulator environment fully set up and running. I have got my distribution and provisioning profile set up correctly to the app through the iOS developer. While trying to run the…
1 answer

Reset iOS app in calabash-ios

How to change code in hooks to reset (iOS) app at specific scenario ? means only to those scenario where tags mention as @reset
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4 answers

How to get AppID of my application to access application data folder in iOS simulator?

I am building Cucumber/Calabash tests for my iOS app. I need to access my application data folder in simulator, to copy data to that folder. I can get to this…
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1 answer

Calabash - iOS Simulator fails to select keyboard language

I’m novice at Calabash testing and faced an obstacle while trying to make a multi-language app. Here is my test scenario: - I select a textfield. - Enter a string with one language and then enter some text with another. And here occurs the…
1 answer

How do i add an accessibility label to the minus image that gets added to the tableview cell?

I am creating a tableView with custom cells, with each cell being created with the following code: UITableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kEditSymbolCellId]; I have returntableView.isEditing; set. and i have the…
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1 answer

How to override a Calabash predefined step?

I'm defining custom calabash steps (to use on both iOS and Android) and would like to selectively override various predefined steps. An example is: Given /^I press the "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |text| tap_when_element_exists("android.widget.Button…
Stan Kurdziel
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2 answers

Calabash cannot find plist in iOS Console

I am trying to start up the test server in the calabash-ios console using start_test_server_in_background, but getting an error that it can't find the target's plist. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, and I definitely see the Info.plist file…
Jamie Forrest
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1 answer

Why did xamarin stop supporting calabash

Right now I am using calabash for my testing if xamarin stop further development, What is the future of calabash? Is it time to move to a different framework like Appium or is someone gonna keep calabash development alive? Please help me.
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1 answer

Calabash-iOS : stack level too deep (SystemStackError) error is encountered each time an assertion is failing

I am encountering "stack level too deep (SystemStackError) " error each time an assertion is failing, no matter what is the actual :timeout_message The following examples of code are just two of the many ones that rises above mentioned error each…
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1 answer

calabash-ios touch/tap issue

My app having multiple "UPVOTE" labels which turns into "UPVOTED" once it is pressed though all are having different 'id'. query command to find label in calabash-ios console now i want to click on particular "UPVOTE" button and wants to check its…
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1 answer

Native and clean Cucumber ios and mac implementation

Some people have found their way to use Cucumber with iOS through Calabash-iOS or Frank. For me (this is a personal opinion it does not mean it is the same case for everyone) I think it is not the best way to do it; it is not native, and it requires…
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2 answers

Calabash: Get state of toggle switch

I am trying to get the state of a toggle switch in my native app. This is the query of the switch itself, when ON: query "Switch id:'quadrant_buzz'" and its results [ [0] { "class" => "android.widget.Switch", …
1 answer

How do you force the iOS upgrade dialog (and other Apple dialogs) to dismiss before running CI tests?

Every time there's a minor/major OS update available, Apple displays a dialog on our CI iPad (physical device). I believe I have also seen one that is something like "you have not backed up in 2 weeks". Those dialogs block our automation and it…
Teresa Peters
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4 answers

Is it possible to set user's Apple ID (for sandbox in-app purchasing) programmatically?

For background: I'm running UI automation (using Calabash) on our iOS app and can navigate the Sign In dialog to select "Use Existing Apple ID" when purchasing content. However, the next dialog is the "Apple ID Password" dialog which our contains…
Teresa Peters
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