Questions tagged [bump-mapping]

Bump mapping is a technique in computer graphics for simulating bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object.

Bump mapping is a technique in computer graphics for simulating bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object. This is achieved by perturbing the surface normals of the object and using the perturbed normal during lighting calculations. The result is an apparently bumpy surface rather than a smooth surface although the surface of the underlying object is not actually changed. Bump mapping was introduced by Blinn in 1978.

60 questions
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SDL OpenGL Normal mapping

What is the simplest way of applying a normal map to a textured four vertex polygon in SDL? Do you have to create a shader or is there a simpler way? I have here my code that creates a textured rotating cube, with a rotating satellite light. What…
1 answer

Bump Mapping in OpenGL and GLSL

I'm trying to implement bump mapping on a cube using OpenGL and GLSL. However, when I rotate my cube around, only the left-facing square and right-facing square appear (that is, in the negative x and positive x direction), the other four faces of…
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Light computation (shading) in model, tangent or camera space?

I'm currently trying to implement bump mapping which requires to have a "tangent space". I read through some tutorials, specifically the following…
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How do I combine the bump map normal and the real normal?

I'm trying to create a shader with bump-mapping. I have the real normal of the object, and I have the bump-map sampled normal. What I would like to do is rotate the sampled normal, so that "up" on the sampled normal points in the direction of the…
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Grid artifacts when disabling linear filtering on bump map in Three.js

If the magFilter of a bump map in Three.js is set to THREE.NearestFilter, a weird grid artifact appears on the object. The grid's spacing is equivalent to the bump map pixels. As soon as the magFilter is put back to default (THREE.LinearFilter)…
Georg Molzer
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Running normal maps / bump maps on Pixi.js

I would really like to use normal maps in pixi.js but I don't know how. I've came across a good example with THREE.js and using webgl shaders - clickOnDemo (sometimes it's necessary to click once on the image to work). So I really wanted to…
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Can you use normal maps / bump maps in pixi.js v5?

Is there any way to use normal maps or bump maps for sprites in pixi.js v5? I want to achieve this effect - Demo I've tried this pixi-lights plugin but it turned out that it doesn't work on v5 or newer versions of pixi.js It would be a big letdown…
1 answer

How to detect bump mapping with OpenCV

I have an image with bump mapping, like the image here (the rightmost one): I wonder if I can detect the bump mapping area with OpenCV. The image is a normal RGB image with no depth information. Any idea how to do the detection? Thank you very…
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2D Water Bump Mapping - Monogame

Thanks for taking the time to check out my issue. I am working on improving the ocean in my first attempt at a game. I have decided on a using a bump map against my ocean tiles to add a little texture to the water. To do this, I draw my water tiles…
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OpenGL: Which shaders for normal map (bump map)?

I could not find a way to generate a normal/bump map in PyOpenGL. Specifically I want a map which I can read with glReadPixels(). I do not know how to get a map of the form: (width, height, normals) i.e. the shape should be (w x h x 3). How can I…
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rough bump texture when loading OBJ in three.js

We are having difficulties loading model in three.js we are using OBJLoader2 because it smooths mesh properly, but somehow textures are looking way more rough then they should be. some normal map issues: three.js and this is the render how it should…
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Bump Depth slider for Maya Python script

I have asked about this Pyhton script before, but now i have become faced with a new question: I want to have the texture slider of my script affect the bump depth of my model, but I am not sure how to do so. Is there anyone out there that can help…
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What's wrong with my Normal mapping? C++ Directx

Hi guys' I'm trying to implement Normal Mapping in Directx and I'm very close to creating it but I'm getting these weird black colors on some objects. This is how it looks like without the Normal Mapping: And when I apply the Normal Mapping effect…
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scene loaded via objectloader, bump map not rendering

attempting to apply a bump map to an object loaded, but no change is seen on the material var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); loader.load("../js/brain2.json", function(object) { var mapHeight = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(…
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1 answer

Three js bump mapping

I have created a simple scene in three js (r85). It contains a camera, a light and a plane geometry mesh. I have also created a renderertarget where I render the bumpmap texture of the plane with a ShaderMaterial. In the fragment shader the bump…