Questions tagged [bubble-chart]

Bubble chart is a kind of graph where we can plot 3 values. One value in X-axis, one in Y-axis and 3rd one is shown using the diameter of the bubble. It is much similar like a table where the values are represented with the bubbles' diameters.

424 questions
3 answers

d3 js - loading json without a http get

I am learning d3. There are certain ways of loading the data in d3 js. But all of them seem to make a HTTP GET. In my scenario, I already have the json data in a string. How can I use this string instead of making another http request? I tried to…
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visualizing crosstab tables with a plot in R

I saw a plot generated in excel and I was wondering if R could also do it. This picture is essentially a visualization of a crosstab table comparing the days of the week to preferred meals on that day and counting the number of people that fall…
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1 answer

How to disable legend in nvd3 or limit it's size

I'm using nvd3 and have a few charts where the legend is much to large. E.g. a scatter/bubble with 15 groups and the group names are long. The legend is so large that it leaves almost no room for the chart itself. Is there a way to remove the legend…
Dave Wilkin
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Bubble Chart with ggplot2

I want to print a bubble chart in R. The problem I run into is that both, my x and my y axis are discrete. In theory this means a lot of data points (bubbles) end up on the same coordinate. I would rather have them scattered around the data point,…
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R manually set shape by factor

Asked this question the other day but no one could visualize my question so ive made an example. A <- c('a','b', 'c','d','e') types <- factor(A) B <- c(1,2,3,4,5) C <- c(6,7,8,9,10) D <- c(1,2,1,2,3) ABC <-…
Oli Paul
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Highcharts 3.0 Bubble Chart -- Controlling bubble sizes

With Highcharts 3.0 it is possible to create charts with type 'bubble', whereas prior to 3.0 it was necessary to use a 'scatter' chart and modify marker size to make bubble charts. The nice thing about the old way is you had complete control over…
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1 answer

How do I add labels to d3.js force bubble chart

I'm trying to modify this code so that I can use the technique to show a word cloud where the circle size would be relative to the no of words in a file but my main problem at the moment finding out how to add text to…
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1 answer

D3 Circle Pack Layout with a horizontal arrangement

I'm trying to create a wordcloud with the D3 pack layout with a horizontal arrangement. Instead of limiting the width, I am limiting the height. The pack layout automatically disposes the circles with the larger one in the center and the others…
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0 answers

Force bubbles to left in D3.js

I am trying in many ways to create a bubble chart by forcing the left of the page based on the value. The highest value bubble should be in the upper left corner. As other approaches didn't work, I looked for an example in which the bubbles are…
Renan Barbosa
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1 answer

Create a concentric circle legend for a ggplot bubble chart

I am trying to recreate this visualization of a bubble chart using ggplot2 (I have found the code for doing this in R, but not with the ggplot2 package). This is what I have so far. There are some other errors with my code at the moment, but I want…
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Is there some algorithm to map a list of numbers to some that vary less?

I'm working on a bubble chart, and am having trouble calculating the bubble radius. I want to use a certain quantity to calculate the bubble radius, but the quantity varies a lot. The minimum is 340, maximum is 190000 but most points are between…
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circular bubble chart with R

I would like to reproduce the following plot in R: I am now using the package packcircles and I am able to create the plot in the figure: packcircles plot using the following code: require(packcircles) res <- circleLayout(xyr, limits, limits,…
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1 answer

Colours of the bubbles in a bubble charts in a user-defined fashion, using ggplot2

How can I decide myself on the colours of the bubbles in a bubble chart, say if I want then to appear in grey, dark grey and light grey? Or if I want to choose the colours myself for each level of the chosen variable? I give you an example with data…
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How to make a bubble chart from CSV file?

So I have the following file, data.csv. Which looks like this: TestID,Cronbach,Percent Correct,Population 12416,0.866,0.17,26 12421,0.945,0.21,8 12385,0.777,0.40,258 12412,0.85,0.44,34 12407,0.831,0.45,48 And I want it to look like this: [ ["Test…
Luke Shimkus
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Creating a legend for a bubble chart using D3

I have been trying to learn D3 (Bubble Charts specifically). I have created a very simple chart here: //This is making the demensions for the circles and canvas //The format and color is for hovering over the circles for the dialog box var…
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