Questions tagged [brotli]

Brotli is a compression algorithm, first released in 2013 for web font compression and then used more widely for HTTP compression.

95 questions
1 answer

unable to decode Python web request

I am trying to make web request to my trading account . Python is unable to decode the web request. Web request is successful with code - 200. Here is the code below import requests headers = { 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', …
2 answers

Using Brotli with Firebase hosting

Is there a way to use Brotli compression instead of gzip with Firebase hosting? I know that Firebase will automatically compress it but so far it is only with gzip.
Adam j
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Why is Brotli not supported on HTTP?

I noticed an odd thing where apparently Firefox says it supports Brotli on HTTPS, but not HTTP? As Brotli is like gzip but more efficient, why would it limit it to HTTPS? On a HTTPS tab I see: Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br is sent. But on other…
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Compile Brotli into a DLL .NET can reference

So I'd like to take advantage of Brotli but I am not familiar with Python and C++.. I know someone had compiled it into a Windows .exe. But how do I wrap it into a DLL or something that a .NET app can reference? I know there's IronPython, do I just…
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2 answers

How to import and use CGO Brotli implementation from google?

I am trying to import and use cbrotli implementation from google as below: import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" cbrotli "" ) But I am getting the below error while trying to run the program: learn-go [master●●]…
Aditya Singh
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Does Chrome support Brotli? (Accept-Encoding does not contain br)

Can I use page says that Chrome supports brotli for some time now. I would think that the Accept-Encoding string would be like this: Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, sdch, br But I checked on a request to StackOverflow e.g. and it does not contain…
Ilya Chernomordik
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Specify multiple (gzip + brotli) httpCompression schemes in IIS7/8/8.5 and prioritise brotli

I'm trying to get the new Brotli compression scheme working in IIS using "Brotli compression module for Microsoft IIS" by The Brotli compression module itself works fine if I change the config section in…
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3 answers

How do I implement Brotli compression in Apache?

I read about Broli compression and thought I might as well look into supporting it. A recent(ish) article that I read mentioned a .br file - so will it be as easy as putting an file alongside my index.html file? Or will supporting it mean…
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1 answer

Sharing MIME type list using GZIP and BROTLI in NGINX

I want to enable GZIP and Brotli compression using NGINX. I have to supply each with their own list of MIME types like so in my nginx.conf: gzip_types text/plain text/css ...etc; brotli_types text/plain …
Muhammad Rehan Saeed
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1 answer

Brotli compression multithreading

It's my understanding Brotli stores blocksize information in a meta-block header with only the final uncompressed size of the block, and no information about the compression length (9.2). I'm guessing that a wrapper would be need to be created in…
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Does CloudCDN support the serving of Brotli encoding?

My company is thinking of moving from AWS to GCP. One of the feature we want to support from CloudCDN is brotli encoding. We have a techstack that will bundle our javascript into 3 files: chunk.js chunk.js.gz If CloudCDN receives…
Armeen Harwood
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1 answer

How to read a brotli compressed string?

I'm getting a brotli compressed json string from a website. I want to decompress and read it. When I use input stream from response, I'm able to read it properly using new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new…
Abhash Upadhyaya
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2 answers

How to serve precompressed gzip/brotli files with .htaccess

Im trying to serve precompressed gzip/brotli files for html, js and css. With the following code. RewriteEngine on # Brotli # If the web browser accept brotli encoding… RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} br # …and the web browser…
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0 answers

How does brotli achieve better parquet file compression on INT64 than INT32?

I ran a few experiments where I saved a DataFrame of random integers to parquet with brotli compression. One of my tests was to find the size ratio between storing as 32-bit integers vs 64-bit: df = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randint(0, 10000000,…
A. Rocke
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2 answers

JMeter "Content encoding Error" when using FireFox and HTTP(S) Test Script recorder

I am trying to configure Mozilla Firefox for JMeter 5 and as I am setting up manual proxy in Firefox and same proxy number in JMeter. I installed the special certificate. My Firefox is showing error as "Content encoding Error", when I open…
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