Questions tagged [brat]

Describes usage of brat, a rapid annotation tool for documents.

(Taken from the brat website)

brat is a web-based tool for text annotation; that is, for adding notes to existing text documents.

brat is designed in particular for structured annotation, where the notes are not freeform text but have a fixed form that can be automatically processed and interpreted by a computer.

28 questions
2 answers

How to install the brat annotation tool on a Linux machine with SELinux enabled

This is a self-answered question that describes how to resolve problems that occur when installing the brat annotation tool, which is used to create annotated corpora for use in NLP, on an ordinary Linux machine that has SELinux enabled. This is…
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1 answer

Converting from XML annotations to BRAT format

I have an annotated data set in XML format: see example below Treatment of Erosive Esophagitis in patients where the tagged words are in XML tags as shown. I need to get it into BRAT format, such as: T1 …
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Create HTML visualization from Brat format

I have a set of files <*.txt, *.ann> in brat format. Example: file.txt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius sapien ut vestibulum ornare. Donec volutpat ipsum dolor, eu feugiat ligula hendrerit vel. Example:…
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1 answer

Calculating Inter Annotator Agreement with brat annotated files

With three annotators we have been using brat ( to annotate a sample of texts for three categories: PERS, ORG, GPE. I want to calculate Inter Annotator Agreement for that sample. However, I do not seem to find a simple way to…
2 answers

Sample size for Named Entity Recognition gold standard corpus

I have a corpus of 170 Dutch literary novels on which I will apply Named Entity Recognition. For an evaluation of existing NER taggers for Dutch I want to manually annotate Named Entities in a random sample of this corpus – I use brat for this…
2 answers

How to get a tree visualization for google nl api?

How can you develop a tree for the syntax analysis in google nl api. Like stanford corenlp uses brat annotation tool to generate the tree. Can we use something like that to generate a dependency parse tree for the json response for google nl api, if…
1 answer

Creating and training a model for OpenNlp using BRAT?

I may need to create a custom training set for OpenNLP, and this will require me to manually annotate a lot of entries. To make things easier, a GUI solution may be the best idea (manually writing annotation tags it's not cool), and I've just…
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1 answer

Character offset in Brat's annotation file through python

I have two UTF-8 text files: repr(file1.txt): \nSTATEMENT OF WORK\n\n\nSTATEMENT OF WORK NO. 7\nEffective Date: February 15, 2015 repr(file2.txt): RENEWAL/AMENDMENT\n\nTHIS agreement is entered as of July 25, 2014. b Their respective Brat…
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1 answer

How to convert annotation ann file to xml?

I have a data annotated using brat .I want to convert .ann file to .xml to ease computation Are there any tools? Thanks
Nada Ghanem
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A syntactic annotation tool used to create treebanks

Can you recommend a good syntactic annotation tool? I want to create a small (phrase structure) treebank. I know there are some tools used for dependency treebanks, brat being one of them. Stanford Parser comes with parse tree viewer, but you cannot…
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3 answers

how can I read ann file provided by brat annotation toll and convert them to dataframe in python?

I am working on the sequence tagging classification based IOB scheme, firstly, I want to kind of read my corpus and their labels, but the corpus has been saved in kind of format called .ann file that I have never worked as you here. it annotated…
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brat: multiple tags by multiple choice?

I wish I didn't have to open the New Annotation window for each additional tag I want to assign to the same string. Multiple choice within a single open window would help to speed up the annotation a lot. Is that possible?
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1 answer

How do you set events through the UI in Brat?

I'm trying to use events through the UI, I'm not seeing how to properly use them in the documentation. I'm interested in tagging subject predicate and object and then connecting them (since there can be multiple in each sentence). In this case,…
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0 answers

Which Cygwin packages does one need to install to run BRAT?

I run BRAT with Cygwin on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate. To do so, I run in Cygwin: mkdir brat cd brat wget tar xzf brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog.tar.gz cd…
Franck Dernoncourt
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1 answer

How do I configure the OpenNLP Brat Annotation Service?

Hi I am trying to get OpenNLP's Brat Annotation Service working with the BRAT annotator. I can get OpenNLP's Brat annotation Service started, with the following command: bin/brat-annotation-service NameFinderAnnService -serverPort 8999…
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