Questions tagged [bottom]

30 questions
1 answer

getlastrow, then last column, and then populate based on that information

Recently there was a program by the name of Eddienuput ( that allows you to properly train against basically anything in training mode. The one issue is that you have to make a text file with all the button…
1 answer

Bootstrap 4 navbar - first bottom of viewport and after scrolling sticky on top - in IE 11 not working

My matter has been described here countless times and some people seeking help have found a solution. Unfortunately, I have not yet found anything for my case. I am trying to resolve the following famous effect in IE 11 and down: Page finished…
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Flutter number picker doesn't update on bottom sheet

I want to use flutter number picker inside of bottom sheet dialog. But the number picker doesn't update when i changed the value by swiping. My codes are below. GestureDetector( onTap: (){ …
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Cannot center an image in website while placing a text on the bottom left-edge of the image. CSS/HTML

Just as mentioned in the title, I'm having trouble centring the image on the website while placing a text exactly on the bottom left-edge of the image. I tried looking for an answer but having a hard time finding it.. Here is my HTML: …
Jason A
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C# populate a hierarchy tree from bottom to top

I have to fill an hierarchy tree starting from bottom to top, starting from a node till its root node: I have a table with a many to one relation inside, which contains the id of a subordinate and the id of its superior. PK | SUBORDINATE_ID |…
0 answers

How to display body of the home page by using two BLoCs in flutter?

To cut long story to short we have Left Drawer and Bottom Navigation bar in flutter application. And two blocs accordingly: TabBloc for Bottom Navigation bar and DrawerBloc for Left Drawer menu with let's says Button 1, Button 2, etc. The main Goal…
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QML ScrollView Scroll to Bottom

I have a scrollview where Uart data comes into a text field. I I want the text field to be scrolled all the way down as soon as new data comes in. Unfortunately I did not find out how to do this. Here's what I tried: Page2Form.ui.qml: import QtQuick…
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flutter problem bottom overflowed by 61 pixels // this is my code can some one help please

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, body: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 30), child: Column( children: [ HeaderContainer("Login"), …
1 answer

Always show BottomTabNavigation

How can I show BottomTabNavigation even on stacked screen? I have tried this for a few hours but really don't get it to work as expected. So the thing I want to happen is, if I navigate to say for example the Title Screen, I still want to show the…
3 answers

How to fixed footer at the bottom of the page?

Here is my code, i want my footer to be static at the bottom of my html page, how can i fixed it ?
0 answers

problem use two button in the home fragment of bottom navigation activity and use intent

I have an app and I made it with bottom navigation activity and in the home fragment I have 2 button when I set an Intent for one of them it works correctly but when I set Intent for both my app not work correctly and the buttons open same activity.
2 answers

flutter: counter not shown in full circle on bottomnavigationbar

I want to show the red counter in full circle on the farthest right and on the farthest top in stack with chat icon of bottomNavigationBar, but I only get this; Here is my code; BottomNavigationBarItem( icon: Stack(children: [ …
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1 answer

Text Block Not Overlaying at actual Bottom of Parent Div

I have an image that I've put into a div class "outer" that's cropped to a specific size. I've overlaid text in another div class "mythumbnail" using the styles shown. I'm stumped as to why I can't get the div "mythumbnail" to sit adjacent to the…
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2 answers

how to set state while opening bottom sheet in flutter?

So I'm having an issue with a bottom sheet that I'm trying to display. the idea is that i want to display a bottom sheet and remove my bottom navigation bar when the bottom sheet shows. anyway, I've made a boolean called sheetOpen which is set to…
0 answers

div thats inside scrollable div always at bottom of screen

I'm looking to make a div always be at the bottom of the screen, but it must be inside a div that is scrollable. Something like
// always at the bottom, no matter the scroll position of…