Questions tagged [bolt-cms]

Bolt is a sophisticated, lightweight and simple CMS for PHP.

Bolt is a sophisticated, lightweight and simple CMS for PHP.

It is quick to set up, easy to configure, uses elegant templates, and above all, it’s a joy to use. Bolt is created using modern open source libraries, and is best suited to build sites in HTML5 with modern markup.

From a technical perspective: Bolt is written in PHP, and uses either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL as a database. It's built upon the Silex framework together with a number of Symfony components and other libraries. Bolt is released under the open source MIT-license.

  • Bolt was created for developers who need a tool to create websites in an easy and straightforward way, while at the same time it should be pleasant to use for content-editors, without getting in the way at any time. To be more specific:

  • Front-end designers and developers who like to write clean markup, and who want to build websites where the CMS doesn’t dictate what the templates or website should look like. Developers who need a system that’s easy to set up and configure, that’s easy to manage and maintain, but is also flexible and versatile.

  • End users (read ‘editors’) that want to focus on producing and editing content, and not on clicking buttons in the CMS.

You can learn more about Bolt by visiting


Detailed instructions can be found in the Installation section in the documentation.


307 questions
2 answers

What does "the stack" do in Bolt CMS?

I'm using and when editing a Page or Entry, there is a section on the right called "the stack". On the Bolt site it says Our Stack functionality contains your latest uploaded files, and allows you to access them as conveniently as possible.…
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1 answer

Installing Bolt CMS within a subfolder

I installed (via FTP) Bolt CMS only for a blog section of a website as I don't want to re-create the entire site in Bolt, just add a blog. I did this by adding all of Bolt's files in a folder and used the index page of Bolt as…
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Bolt: fetch imageinfo for items in imagelist

I'm new to Bolt and I'm trying to get the original width of an image in a record's imagelist. The variables for 'image' only include filename, title, id, order and file, so image.width|image doesn't do anything. I'd rather not use the…
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3 answers

Securing bolt cms installation for production

I am using the bolt cms. I want to take it to production, however just noticed that the documentation and other tutorials ask me to do this : chmod -R 777 files/ app/database/ app/cache/ app/config/ theme/ I am not a security expert, but from what…
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1 answer

Notice: Undefined index: args

I work with Bolt CMS (+ docker - nginx, php74 fpm). I get the following error. ContextErrorException in /var/www/vendor/bolt/bolt/src/EventListener/ExceptionListener.php line 285: Notice: Undefined index: args The line causing the error is the…
Arkadiusz G.
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1 answer

Bolt CMS: Can contenttype title be generated based on other field values?

I would like to create a contenttype that has select fields for things like 'month of year' and 'type of product' and have the title field be auto generated based on the values of these two fields. This is because the two select field values are…
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2 answers

Content Type's in bolt

I am trying to give 2 content types the same singular slug in bolt. both of them should have the same fields, and the same template. at this point i use the record_template: tag to set the default template for each content type. vervolgpagina: …
B. Dionys
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2 answers

Evaluate twig functions in record

I've created a bolt extension which provides a new twig function foo. The twig functions is added to the twig framework with the following code $this->addTwigFunction('foo', 'twigFoo');. public function twigFoo() { $markup = ' …
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2 answers

Setting Bolt Configuration Per Environment

The Bolt documentation mentions setting up configuration files for each environment, but doesn't explain how to make it happen. When you have multiple environments for the same site, like development, staging, or production, you’ll want parts of…
Royall Spence
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1 answer

Bolt Installation in a sub folder

I am struggeling to get bolt running in a subfolder of my main domain. It is working fine under the root but where do I have change the Settings for the subfolder? I just can't find it. Thank you Jan
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2 answers

Add multiple images on a single page

How can I add multiple images on a page? I want to have pages with 3-4 paragraphs and under the paragraphs I want to have multiple images like a small photo gallery, I found a extension for the images in bolt lib but it is more photographic oriented…
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1 answer

Difference between New page, New entry and New Showcase

I have been testing bolt-cms for a few days and I'm trying to understand how it works. I want to know what is the difference between New page, New entry and New Showcase. I have read this and it didn't fill the gap.
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2 answers

List taxonomy terms in Bolt CMS

How is it possible to list all the terms in a taxonomy in Bolt? Not the terms applied to a record but all existing terms (like a tagcloud or a category list sidemenu)?
Dimitris K
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0 answers

Use `setcontent` where an array field contains a value

I'm a little bit rusty with twig. But I'm trying to achieve this in a setcontent. {% setcontent entries = 'entries' where { authors: 'AN SPECIFIC ID IS IN THE AUTHORS ARRAY' } %} The authors field is an array where multiple IDs can be…
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1 answer

How would you do ternary conditionals inside {%%} in Twig

I want to render parameters if they exist but can't find a way of correctly displaying it and keep getting An opened parenthesis is not properly closed. Unexpected token "punctuation" of value ":" ("punctuation" expected with value ")") where {%…
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