Questions tagged [bolero]

F# Blazor Elmish Lib Bolero is an F# library giving tools on top of the .NET library Blazor. The library enables easy development and integration with the MVU (Elmish) design pattern.

6 questions
1 answer

Bolero (F# Blazor) Debugging

Does someone know how to debug a Bolero project? In particular, is it possible (and how) to debug the client project using and IDE (VS or VS code) or directly in the browser (source mappings)?
Franco Tiveron
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1 answer

F# Code is not sufficiently generic (using a static member constraint)

I'm trying to create a generic function that checks whether a record is in a valid format, given the record implements the static member valid. When trying to use this in an ElmishComponent within the Bolero (Blazor) framework, I'm getting the…
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0 answers

Why does CORS block my fetch in Bolero (F# Blazor) although configuration follows documentation?

I am writing a Bolero (F# Blazor) application, and I am running into some issues regarding CORS when trying to challenge GitHub for authentication. I've handled similar CORS error messages in other languages previously, so CORS isn't that new to me.…
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1 answer

Managing HttpClient in a F# WebAssembly app

What is the best practice is to "register" the http client in one place, so it can be reused from this Elmish update function? Instead of having to create it for every request. let update message model = match message with | SetMessage s ->…
Sridhar Ratnakumar
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1 answer

Bolero datetime bind

The docs say that you can bind many different data types... My html template:
Callum Linington
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2 answers

Is fsbolero's runner, `bolero-live`, open source and if so, where is the source?

I've been having a problem getting a modified bolero app to perform HotReload. The problem appears to be in bolero-live as indicated by this top portion of the error log (line break inserted for convenience). However, the source code for bolero-live…
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