Questions tagged [blueprint-osgi]

Blueprint OSGi is a specification introducing dependency injection to OSGi and providing a simple mechanism for OSGi bundles to use and provide services.

Blueprint provides a dependency injection framework for OSGi and was standardized by the OSGi Alliance in OSGi Compendium R4.2.

It is designed to deal with the dynamic nature of OSGi, where services can become available and unavailable at any time. The specification is also designed to work with plain old Java objects (POJOs) enabling simple components to be written and unit tested in a JSE environment without needing to be aware of how they are assembled.

The Blueprint XML files that define and describe the assembly of various components are key to the Blueprint programming model. The specification describes how the components get instantiated and wired together to form a running module.


417 questions
4 answers

OSGi: Does Blueprint replace Declarative Services?

The new R4.2 spec for OSGi describes the Blueprint service, for dependency injection and service wiring. Does Blueprint replace Declarative Services (which is still part of the spec, as well), or are they intended to work together? Is Blueprint…
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2 answers

Combine OSGi blueprint and spring configuration

Are there any good/best practices regarding the combination of Spring configuration and OSGi Blueprint (e.g. Gemini Blueprint)? Which XML files do you use? Where do you put them in your OSGi bundles (META-INF/spring, OSGi-INF)? Which of these…
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1 answer

Blueprint: how do I check if an optional dependency is satisfied?

In blueprint.xml, I declare an optional dependency this way:
Alexey Romanov
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2 answers

Role based security for OSGi

I am searching for a security framework that allows role based security for OSGi services as well as CXF webservices. Some time ago I already used spring security but as we now switched to blueprint it is not an option anymore as far as I…
Christian Schneider
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1 answer

java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to java.lang.String

I have written an entitity class with Field LoginId and Password. Iam encrypting the passwrd and stoiring it in the db using the AES_ENCRYPT. I want to retrive only the password which is decrypted. so, im using AES_DECRYPT using NAtiveQueryis in…
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2 answers

how to import osgi blueprint xml

I am trying to import an OSGI blueprint XML file in to another OSGi blueprint XML file. e.g.: blueprint1.xml:
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Issue with updating osgi bundles

i have a requirement where i need to reload my osgi bundles 4 times a day . Reloading a bundle means recreating static instance Beans , reloading camel routes , recreating and injecting thread pools ,database connection pools ..etc(other spring xml…
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1 answer

How to persist dynamically created camel routes?

I am creating routes dynamically using a custom processor listening to a "control route". It creates the routes depending on the message content which is sent to the control route. It is used to dynamically create FTP/file endpoints by another…
Michael Brohl
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1 answer

Eclipse tooling for Blueprint XML

Is there an Eclipse plug-in which specifically supports editing Blueprint XML files? E.g. autocomplete reference ids, interface names, etc.
Alexey Romanov
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1 answer

How to embed a maven dependency with bnd-maven-plugin

I am moving from maven-bundle-plugin which provided the "convenient" configuration using Embed-Dependency, but it appears i need to specify my Embed Dependency "manually" in bnd format when using the bnd-maven-plugin. I added the same bundle headers…
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5 answers

Unable to start blueprint container for bundle pdi-dataservice-server-plugin due to unresolved dependencies

I am using windows batch file to call a Pentaho Data integration job, intermittently, the job gets hung indefinitely. The error message in Pentaho logs is as below : 06:43:37,951 ERROR [BlueprintContainerImpl] Unable to start blueprint container…
Sarang Manjrekar
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1 answer

osgi blueprint how to read resource file in bundle

I use osgi and blueprint, i search how to read file in my bundle? Such as : mybundle file.json OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml WEB-INF * I want read file.json in myservice.
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1 answer

Aries Blueprint in Karaf - Can a blueprint reference an external properties file

I am using an ActiveMQ blueprint to setup a JMS Connection Pool. I also use Camel to service some functionality. I use the org.apache.camel.spring.spi.BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to allow the use of an external properties file in setting…
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1 answer

Shut the default web page of Apache Aries down

I am using the Apache Aries in karaf. I have setup my homepage in a separate bundle. The problem is that when i stop the 'web-home' bundle of mine, I see the apache aries default page. In the karaf-logs I see the default page is always called…
Makan Tayebi
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1 answer

No consumers available on endpoint: Endpoint[direct://LookUpRoute]

I'm new to camel. I'm trying to send an exchange from a java method to a route but it gives me "Caused by: No consumers available on endpoint" error. I want to understand what…
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