Questions tagged [blazor-webassembly]

There are two hosting models for Blazor apps: server-side (often pre-rendered) and client-side (WebAssembly). Because of the different hosting environments, something what may work on the client-side might not on the server-side, and vice versa. Use this tag for questions specific to client-side hosted Blazor apps.

1093 questions
3 answers

"'<' is an invalid start of a value." ASP.NET-Core hosted Blazor Webassembly

I searched before and have tried to implement the answers to no success. Get in Postman for the url api/blogpage returns a 200 OK. I am stuck, seemingly painted myself into a corner, hoping that someone points out the obvious. Thank you all UPDATED…
0 answers

Mono vs blazor WASM

As I understand I can use MONO-wasm SDK to convert any .net standard class library to WASM, can I use the same but instead of using this SDK, use Blazor or .NET CLI as an alternative ( I don't need the UI part of Blazor) just classA.dll to…
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using syncfusion tabing in blazor but data not rendor in view page source for seo purpose

using syncfusion tabing in blazor but data not rendor in view page source for seo purpose.
1 answer

Change a variable value after OnInitializedAsync()

I have this component that calls multiple APIs. I want to show the page only when all the calls finishes, so I added a bool and I initialized it with false that changes to true when the OnInitializedAsync() finishes, but the value does not change…
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ASP Blazor WebAssembly E-Commerce Security

I want to build an E-Commerce site with Blazor WA and API, and I know that Blazor Web Assembly keeps all the code inside the browser, so is it safe to implement all the CRUD calls in WA? Or would it be hugely safer if i only implement a Blazor…
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Access denied due to CORS in SSRS for ASP .net core blazor app

I would like to get HTML from an SSRS report, using an HttpClient in .NET 5, like this: using (HttpClient client = new()) { using (var result = client.GetAsync($"http://localhost/ReportService?blablabla")) { if…
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WebAuthn Issue Due to Split Architecture

I am currently developing in a standalone (Not .Net Core Hosted) Blazor WebAssembly app in .Net 5.0. I have been trying to convert a couple Asp.Net MVC WebAuthn examples over into my Blazor app for Passwordless Authentication. The issue I am…
Anthony Griggs
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Blazor does not throw a not implemented Exception

I have this simple event handler: public void RowClicked(TableRowClickEventArgs p) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } that get called from this componenet :
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How to log in Blazor Wasm in program.cs

I found documentation that you can't log directly in your Program.cs file but that it would be possible with a 3rd party library like Serilog. Microsoft Link After finding out you can't break in your program.cs I tried to add logging to my…
Jake L
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Publishing blazor wasm 404 errors

Blazor app builds without errors. When I publish it to azure static web app or to github pages I get the same not found errors. Any thoughts how you would approach this problem ? All files except these load with 200 code: KernelTraceControl.dll …
1 answer

blazor web assembly service object reference not set to an instance of an object

Im building some solution in blazor wasm and i need to get some userinfo from my api BEFORE initialload of any page. so i have service like public class UserService { private readonly HttpClient http; private User u; public User User …
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Could not open login page for ABP Blaozr

I have created ABP IO project using the Blazor template. I can successfully run the host project and access the API interfaces from Swagger. However the Blazor frontend does not run. I get the error message shown below: Failed to load resource:…
1 answer

Use the same Layout from Client Project in Server

I have BlazorWebAssembly project with Server project. How can i use MainLayout.razor in Server project (for example : by change password or something else..)
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Blazor WASM wwwroot/appsettings.json not present in template

According to this article Blazor WASM loads configuration by default from wwwroot/appsettings.json and wwwroot/appsettings.{environment}.json . However, when I generate Blazor WASM apps there are no such files under wwwroot. My dotnet version is…
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1 answer

Azure CDN font loading issue

I have deployed the Blazor Web Assembly (ASP.Net Core Hosted) to Azure Web App then i have enabled the CDN (Standard Akamai pricing tier) for that Web App (Networking > Azure CDN). All the static asssets like JS, CSS, Images are loading from the CDN…
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