Questions tagged [blazor-component]

13 questions
1 answer

When to have more than one root components in Blazor?

In the main method of dotnet core blazor web assembly app there is a WebAssemblyHostBuilder class which builds the host for the blazor application. In that class there is a public property called RootComponentMappingCollection which one can add the…
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CSS isolation in blazor-server components

with the new .NET 5 preview CSS isolation comes in blazor. Does anybody know, is it possible to use the CSS isolation in blazor server? I have play a lot around, but in my blazor server app CSS isolation doesn't work. Or is this feature only…
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Blazor component not calling OnInitializedAsync on statechange, chained data-fetching

Im new to blazor and still learning, and I have a state-problem with my dashboard. I have one component that fetches the dashboard and the panels: @if (Data == null) { return; } @foreach (var…
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Blazor: Pass a function that takes parameters to a component and call it from it

I'm trying to split my Blazor Server project into components in order to make it more manageable. I want my component to have a function passed in as a parameter to it. The function takes a string parameter and it is called with different names from…
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How to send property to method in blazor?

My DataTables component: @foreach (var paginateButton in paginateButtonList) {
ilyas varol
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Inserting abstract Blazor component, open-closed principle

I had no idea how to phrase a good title here. I'm basically trying to use the open-closed principle, so I don't need to specify precisely which component to render, but just use an interface/abstract class instead. I'm making a node editor. I have…
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Blazor templated component to render a form with different context

I have a serie of textboxes to get phone numbers and emails from the user, and I am going to use them in many forms but with different context, for example client, employee, supplier, so I like to know if it is possible to create a templated…
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Blazor Webassembly (.NET 5) customized component with files: validation does not work

I found this great post by Chris Sainty: Creating Bespoke Input Components for Blazor from Scratch. It is exactly what I need, but not with string, but with uploaded files IBrowserFile. So I have adapted and extended the example for me. The…
3 answers

Blazor - How to make child component show validation messages?

I need to display validation messages if a nested-component is not properly filled in. The component is consumed by other parent-components and they need to get feedback on whether there are validation issues. I have tried the following code for the…
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Blazor component library that also use a component library

I have question about using JS files from sub component libraries. I have a Blazor WASM site and I have created a custom component library for this. In my custom component library I am using the BlazorInputFile library as well. To get this work in…
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Blazor webassembly, state management. Refresh child components

I am selecting items from the list, and displaying their different content. It is working correctly with this code: public class ItemState { public Item CurrentItem { get; set; } public event Action OnItemSelected; public void…
1 answer

How to target specific div with Blazor components?

I have a top-row div a follows:
I am going to have several MenuBar components that…
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