Questions tagged [biztalk-schemas]

BizTalk XML & Flat File schemas.

18 questions
1 answer

Discard arbitrary header lines in BizTalk Flat File processing?

I found these related threads, but they do not answer my question directly: BizTalk - Flat file with Header multiple records and Footer - Disassemble problem Removing header from a flat file in BizTalk I'm dealing with an old system that delivers…
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BizTalk file/ message splitting

I have a requirement in which I have to split the file contents based on value of the first column of the comma separated values in the source file. Number of files to be generated in output depends on the number of unique values in the first…
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Complex Flat file, is this even possible to do with a Flat file schema in BTS2013R2?

I have been given the task to create an integration between a customers system and an internal system. The customer sends a flat file which I have a hard time getting my head around how to parse using a Flat file schema. The structure is like…
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BizTalk Map with Multiple Output Messages

I know it is possible to create a map that takes one input message and outputs multiple messages within an orchestration. When you do the reverse of this i.e. merge many messages into one. The 'wizard' creates the map and the input schema. …
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What is the code created by the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard?

We have exposed a BizTalk Schema as a WCF service for a third party vendor so that they can push messages onto our ESB. The WCF service has a single function which accepts and returns messages of that schema type. The issue is that if a response…
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how to reference MSH_25_GLO_DEF schema from other assembly/schema

I've built an assembly with the BTAHL7V2X schemas (MSH_25_GLO_DEF, etc). In another assembly, I need to create a schema, where one of the elements is of type MSH_25_GLO_DEF. In my BTAHL7V2XCommon assembly I have:
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xs:string field element in BizTalk schema changes to Uint16

I have a schema defined in my BizTalk project, from a JSON instance. The instance key/values are in double quotations so they this means they are strings. But the JSON Schema Wizard set it as xs:unsignedShort. I changed it to xs:string. When I run…
2 answers

Integration Account Project on Visual Studio 2015 - Add generated item tab for create schemas from endpoint, wsdl, etc

Using VisualStudio 2015 on a BizTalk server Environment, I have some templates for generating xsd schemas, starting from various sources, like endpoint of active services, wsdl files, etc. Now I'm trying to made the same in visual studio 2015 with…
2 answers

Sending JSON with numeric and guid attribute names

from BizTalk I have to send an JSON file which looks like this. [ { "attr": { "b587d548-8aa6-42b7-b292-0f3e13452c35": { "1": "-2.073420455529934786" } }, "guid":…
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Is there a way to handle/ignore inline xsd in received xml file in biztalk?

Client sends a file containing customer data in xml. The problem is that it also contains the xsd they use. Is there a way when setting up the source schema in biztalk to make it validate while ignoring the xsd? I've tried including nodes for it,…
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Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Guid' in BizTalk map

I have an SQL stored procedure to insert data in database that take two parameter where the first is an int and the second is an UniqueIdentifier. I have consumed the SQL schemas in my BizTalk project. I have a webservice that sends the data to…
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Re-use schemas within BizTalk solution using XSD Import (Importing types from another schema/namespace)?

I have crated schema project and use consume adapter service wizard to generate schema for SQL DB table to perform insert operation. (Filename Prefix : Batch_) How to overcome with issue when I tried to reuse schemas and build new schemas (Common)…
Dipen Patel
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BizTalk schema- Make Field Element tag name same a headers

I have a delimited file like this. Name;ID;Type ABC;1;Blue PQR;2;Black I am trying to make a flat file schema for the above data. But I am not able to find a way to make the XML tags match the headers. the XML file it is creating is…
Pratish Nair
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Flat file schema validation using regular expression - not allow new line and delimiter char

I know this must be primitive question but I am still not able to find a solution to my simple problem. In a BizTalk solution, I want to validate a inbound flat file against a flat file schema (Delimiter char is pipe '|'). The rule is that there…
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Invalid Child Element

I am trying to do some experiment on envelope in BizTalk 2010 when one message will compose of multiple items. I have the schema for the envelope as follow: Envelope:
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