Questions tagged [biztalk-orchestrations]

A component of Microsoft BizTalk Server allowing you to program business processes, long running transactions, complex workflows and exception handling.

131 questions
1 answer

BizTalk orchestration editor leaves errors in source code

I've finally tracked down an issue to bad code left in my ODX, presumably by Visual Studio I had a Construct Message with a Transform and Message Assignment in it ... Whenever I compiled, I was getting errors pointing at the assignment shape, and…
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Using BizTalk Web Service to re-publish an internal Web Service

I'm trying to use BizTalk for communicating between two web services. It has to be like this: Service1 gets an input and sends message through BizTalk to Service2, Service2 responds that message, forwards it to BizTalk, and delivers it to…
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Calling a web/wcf service from orchestration: adding a generated item vs adding service reference

If I want to call a web service or wcf method from an orchestration, I can do it by either adding a service reference to the project or adding a generated item. What is the advantage of either approach - is there a best practice?
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BizTalk message context property: datetime when message was published to message box

In my project I have an orchestration that subscribes to messages in messagebox. Is there any way in orchestration to determine the time when message was received by the message box? I know such property…
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Biztalk Orchestration reverse engineer

My situation is: Old developer left without the code so I can not add any enhancement or fix the bug. Do we have any service/tool that I can reverse the Orchestration (+ Mapping) to original format (from DLL/MSI, or Running BizTalk…
2 answers

How to persist BizTalk orchestration before send shape - for resending

I have an orchestration that calls a WCF Service, which is a 2-way request/response send port. Like so: I've been trying to figure out a way to get the orchestration to persist in a state BEFORE the send shape. This is in hopes that when there are…
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Debug an orchestration in biztalk 2010

I'm making an orchestration to send data from one SQL Server DB to another one. I'm able to receive the data but unable to send it to the other DB. I made a send port to test what I'm getting as an input. I got to know that I'm not getting the right…
Bilal Saeed
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Count the number of files in folder in a BizTalk Orchestration

How to get the number of files in a folder inside orchestration in BizTalk? I want the number of files present in a folder inside orchestration. Is that possible in BizTalk?
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0 answers

Merge two schema into one schema (as master detail) using biztalk transform

I need transform two schema into one schema as master detail schema. i have passengerId as unique filed. some master schema's records may not has any reference in detail schema so i need a condition that check if passengerId exist in detail schema …
Ali Shahi
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2 answers

What's in scope inside a BizTalk Expression shape?

Inside a BizTalk Expression shape, I'm presented a blank text editor with some crude "examples" above, mocking me. "It's so easy" they chant. Try as I might, I'm just not making the connection. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I'm a BizTalk newbie.…
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1 answer

Promoted Property in Orchestration

I have reading about that we can promote property in the orchestration. Below are my steps - Create a new "StudentID" promoted property. Change value "MessageContextPropertyBase". Update value of the "StudentID" in the orchestration. Create a…
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How to add custom BizTalk persistent points using code?

Is there any way to add persistent points within a BizTalk Orchestration flow using .NET code? I have searched and searched but haven't been able to find anything helpful. Help please, anyone?
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BizTalk Server 2013 - Web Reference to ASMX - elements in the Response unavailable in BizTalk Expression Editor

I'm in the process of importing and recompiling a BTS 2009 project in BTS 2013 to stay within the Microsoft support life cycle. This was developed by former developers using BTS 2009, Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP first and later moved to…
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Unittesting Callable Orchestrations

Working with BizTalk, I like to use callable orchestrations (without pipelines) as a service for other orchestrations, giving more flexibility in the architecture. But unittesting them is rather devious. Now, I use a seperate application with a…
Jesse de Wit
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Preventing Dehydrated instances when using Parallel Convoy Correlation and messages are missing

I have an orchestration that gets activated by 1 of 2 types of messages coming in on a parallel shape. The messages are correlated by ID and status and then the remainder of the orchestration gets executed (and the messages get combined into 1). I…
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