Questions tagged [biztalk-2013r2]

For questions about Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2.

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2 is the 9th version of a server product for Business Process Management and Enterprise Application Integration. It uses Microsoft .NET 4.5.1 and is done in Visual Studio 2013.

169 questions
2 answers

upgrading TFS from 2013 to 2015, would TFS Build continue to work for BizTalk

We are using BizTalk 2013 R2, currently under TFS 2013. We using TFS build feature and we are thinking to upgrade TFS to 2015. Not sure if the BizTalk build will continue to work?
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Getting the orchestration parent name or id in the calling orchestration

I have an orchestration that calls another orchestration. Is it possible to get the orchestration name or id of the parent in the calling orchestration in an Expression shape?
1 answer

Can not find Biztalk Buisiness Rule Engine registry directory on the biztalk server?

I am trying to update a StaticSupport key (for Invoking Static Members of a Class) for business rule engine in the windows registry , MSDN (Invoking Static Members of a Class) states that , it exists on path in registry…
1 answer

Biztalk 2013r2 wcf-sql adapter composite operation

I am trying to use the wcf-sql adapter to call a stored procedure multiple times with different parameters. I have created the original schema using the wizard and then created the composite schema by hand. I understand what the error is telling me…
3 answers

BizTalk deployment framework throws MSBuild errors MSB4061

I am having some problems with the BizTalk Development Framework. My BizTalk project builds completely fine. But when using the 'Deploy BizTalk Solution' option from Visual Studio MSBuild is not happy. I am deploying to a server that is on our…
Andy Midd
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1 answer

BizTalk 2013 R2 CPU consumption very high

We migrated an application from BizTalk 2009 to 2013 R2 , after that it is noticed the one host which is assigned to orchestration take very high CPU usage some it goes up to 100%, the application is same as in 2009 no changes done. Is there any…
2 answers

Publish BizTalk orchestration as wcf service into remote IIS

I am trying to publish my BizTalk Orchestration to IIS. When I try with my local IIS it is working. But when I try with a remote IIS it says host not found. Is there any way to do this? I am using BizTalk Server 2013 R2 and IIS 8.5 In the remote…
1 answer

Biztalk 2013 r2 DR SSO Issue

Looking for help with a BizTalk disaster recovery scenario. We have failed over to our DR server and have restored the database using the Microsoft standard log shipping method. All has run without issues but I cannot change any port settings in…
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Biztalk Dehydrating and Hydrating Loop

I have a simple Biztalk Application 2013-r2 that imports a file into a table, then executes a long running post import process (via stored procedures). Symptoms: when importing 2 files The import of the first file has no issues Then, the post…
Internet Engineer
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1 answer

BizTalk SQL Generate MetaData Failure

I'm currently trying to setup adapter metadata for an SQL adapter in BizTalk through the add generated items (add adapter metadata) wizard but the wizard keeps failing/disappearing. I can get as far as the Select the type of statement selection. I…
2 answers

BizTalk - Fail to Promote Properties

Using BizTalk 2013r2 CU1, I have a created a property schema for my inbound xsd and deployed the application. When I receive a sample xml document using a standard "xml receive" pipeline then I can see that the required element is promoted into the…
Rob Bowman
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BizTalk - Delete without a schema

I am importing a file with 200+ records into a master table. The BizTalk package only services one source, other packages service other sources I am using strongly type stored procedures for all SQL CRUD All records inside the file come from the…
Internet Engineer
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1 answer

Calling RestFul Services

I am trying to call the RestFull Services from BizTalk 2013 R2. I am trying to change the existing one using Http adapter and use Wcf-WebHttp Adapter System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ABC", …
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BizTalk 2013 R2 WCF-SQL adapter having random issues

Ahoy, We have two BizTalk applcations in BizTalk 2013 R2 that seem to be having random issues. Both applications follow the same process. Pull data from a WCF endpoint. Delete data from a database via a stored procedure. Insert the new data…
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2 answers

Biztalk Map Unit Testing Exception

I am trying to unit test a map with following code, protected string Map(TransformBase map, string xml) { StringWriter str = new StringWriter(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(str); …
Low Flying Pelican
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