Questions tagged [bittorrent]

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol.

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the Internet.

Technical details

Useful Wikipedia articles

739 questions
6 answers

How do BitTorrent magnet links work?

For the first time I used a magnet link. Curious about how it works, I looked up the specs and didn't find any answers. The wiki says xt means "exact topic" and is followed by the format (btih in this case) with a SHA1 hash. I saw base32 mentioned,…
7 answers

How does a DHT in a Bittorent client get "bootstrapped"?

If I have a torrent w/o any trackers in it, and I just started a bittorent client so I have no peers do I know who to first connect with in the DHT? It seems like I would have to know at least ONE node in the DHT to get started....
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2 answers

BitTorrent: Download not starting

I am trying to implement a bittorrent tracker in Laravel. However, I am stuck at the moment as the download won't start. There is one peer which it appears to be seeding and I am 100% sure that it is connectable. But, when I run a second client on a…
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8 answers

Implementing Bittorrent Protocol

I am looking for a tutorial/blog post on how to implement bittorrent protocol step by step. How it works? How do you make requests to peers? and talk to trackers. I do not mind the programming language (java,ruby,perl,c#)
Hamza Yerlikaya
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7 answers

Java BitTorrent library

Are there any decent BitTorrent libraries for Java? I need to program a simple torrent client, but it would be great if I didn't have to write everything from scratch.
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10 answers

Convert NSData bytes to NSString?

I'm trying to use the BEncoding ObjC class to decode a .torrent file. NSData *rawdata = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/to/the.torrent"]; NSData *torrent = [BEncoding objectFromEncodedData:rawdata]; When I NSLog torrent I get the…
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4 answers

Connecting P2P over NAT?

I started to explore the option of connecting with other using a p2p connection, so I coded a simple socket program in JAVA for android devices in which the users can share simple messages p2p (I didn't have any idea about NAT then). I got to know…
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7 answers

Is it possible to build a torrent client using only HTML(5) and JavaScript?

There isnt much more to add. Is it possible to build a torrent client using only HTML and JavaScript. You can not use things like Java, ActiveX, NaCl... If yes, please give a high level description. I dont have much knowledge about front end dev,…
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6 answers

What is the best approach to handle large file uploads in a rails app?

I am interested in understanding the different approaches to handling large file uploads in a Rails application, 2-5Gb files. I understand that in order to transfer a file of this size it will need to be broken down into smaller parts, I have done…
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1 answer

How to write a simple Bittorrent application?

How to write a simple bittorrent application. Something like a "hello world" using a bittorrent library, I mean a simplest of the application to understand the working of bittorrent. I would prefer a python or a C/C++ implementation, but it can be…
Vivek Sharma
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3 answers

Can someone explain what a wire-level protocol is?

I am not very clear about the idea of wire-level protocols. I heard BitTorrent uses it and read that a wirelevel protocol can be considered an opposite of API. I read RMI calls can be considered wirelevel protocols but am still a little confused.…
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5 answers

A BitTorrent client completely written in C#?

Is there a BitTorrent client written completely (I mean completely) written in C# ? I am aware of the BitTorrent clients written in mono, I absolutely love it. Are there any other opensource BitTorrent clients other than MonoTorrent & BitSharp…
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1 answer

How to get the first peer from a torrent-magnet link?

I've been trying to understand the torrent-magnet technology, but I can't seem to figure out how you get connected to the first peer when opening a magnet link. When you get a magnet link like below, it contains no initial peer - only the BitTorrent…
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2 answers

Python BitTorrent Library

Is there a Python BitTorrent library that just works? I need to tinker around with BitTorrent protocol for a research project and I don't want to reinvent the wheel and write my own implementation of the protocol (and neither I am capable of doing…
Ravi Raj
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3 answers

Extract the SHA1 hash from a torrent file

I've had a look around for the answer to this, but I only seem to be able to find software that does it for you. Does anybody know how to go about doing this in python?
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